

We are continuing to look at the word But and the change it can make in our lives.


Philippians 1: 27 – 30


  1. You are citizens


Background: Philippians beat Paul and Silas with rods and put them in jail because they cast demons out of a little girl which ended up causing a riot.  The next day, the city officials decided to release them but Paul protested that they were Roman citizens and they were beaten without a trial.  When the city officials heard this, (Acts 16: 38) they were alarmed and came personally and begged them to leave.  They met with the believers and left.


Now Paul is saying to the Philippians, you know the power that being a citizen carries with it, now know you are citizens of heaven.


  1. Rejoice that your names are registered as citizens of heaven Luke 10: 20
  2. No longer alone in this world but fellow citizens with all the saints and the household of God.  Ephesians 2: 19
    1. Eternity with Daniel and Moses or Hitler and Al Capone
  3. Our home is where Jesus Christ lives Philippians 3: 20
    1. We no longer are just concerned with the things around us.  Thinking this is their only life.(Become enemies of the cross)
    2. Concerned with eternal things and advancing the kingdom. (small things consuming us and others)
      1. child acting up because of disobedience or incredible problem at school
      2. Not want to go to bed because they are challenging my authority or really afraid.
    3. He will change our mortal bodies and that same power is bringing everything under his control
      1. Not just everything happens for a purpose???
      2. Training for the day we are going to rule over angels and cities.


Paul live like you are going to rule someday.


2. Stand firm


Ephesians talks about this in the area of spiritual warfare that there comes a time when we just have to stand.  Not advancing and not retreating but standing.


2 Timothy 2: 18, 19  attacks are going to come from every angel and there will be times when things happen we cannot understand.  But God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone.

  1. So many saying so many things and overwhelmed, My kingdom will come
  2. They seem to be kicking you out of school, government and society in general.  The world is all mine and my truth stands firm.
  3. Enemy seems to be better at destroying than I am at standing
    1. They will all bow before me someday.


He knows who you are so stand firm.

Stand together like gladiators standing together.  Not just against the enemy, but for the good news.


3. No Fear


We cower in fear in front of the enemies of God.

  1. Afraid to talk
  2. Afraid to pray in public or for them.


Fear is a spirit that is not from God. (2 Timothy 1: 7) but of power love and a sound mind.


EXAMPLE: Acts 4: 13 amazed at their boldness, but been with Jesus.


Sign = hint of prophecy visible foes don’t realize it, the spiritual realm does.


EXAMPLE:  Problem and rather than tossing and turning all night, you are spending time in worship and focus change.  Enemy knows God is real.


The disciples had been with Jesus.  Gift of fearlessness is from God.


4. Gift of and adversary


You don’t only have the privilege of trusting in Jesus, but of suffering for Him


EXAMPLE: not just my life stinks by living in this weather, but suffering for their stand for Jesus.


Back to our disciples.  Same people that killed Jesus a couple of months earlier and threatening them and there is power behind their words and all John and Peter did was pray for a man who could not walk.  What was their reaction?  Do more of this Jesus (Acts 4: 30,31)


Example: Suleman Manzoor and orphanage for Taliban children.  The Israelites in the fire are no different than he and the Taliban.  When we lose our desire to save our own lives, God will build his church.