Three years ago, I became a dad for the first time. In the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be a dad of TWO boys (my wife is due any day). All of this dad stuff has got me thinking about what I’ve learned so far….
Kyle’s Top Five Dad Lessons:
- Never leave home without a diaper
- Don’t try to bribe your kids with sugary treats right before bedtime
- Never let your kid watch Caillou (if you’re a parent who has experienced this, you’ll know what I mean)
- Don’t try to bribe your kids with sugary treats right when they wake up (yes, I’ve done both)
- Teach your kids what “daddy says” about them….
I’ve recently finished a book by Steven Furtick, called Greater. In it, he explains the importance of speaking life and identity into his children. For example, he told one of his children that he was a genius. This plan, however, backfired when his son began to tell everyone that he was a genius. Furtick then learned to teach his children to explain it like this; “my daddy says I’m a genius.” This simple change in wording implies that the child has a solid identity because his dad says so, rather than leaning on any other source. This hit home for me as I realize the power of my words toward my own children. When I tell my three-year-old son that he’s the best basketball player in the world, his reply is always the same; “yeah…I am.” He truly believes in the words I’m speaking into his life. What will happen if I start saying, “Kennan, you’re the best prayer warrior in the world.” His response? “Yeah…I am.”
In this same way, shouldn’t I believe in my own Heavenly Father’s words about me? God says I am….an overcomer (1 John 5:4), that I have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), created in God’s image (Gen. 1:27). If “my daddy says” that I am, then it must be so. I’m challenging myself to stop listening to insecurities and worldy lies about who I am. Instead, I need to listen to who my “daddy” says I am, and simply reply, “yeah…I am.”