I had the privilege last year to speak at Summer Getaway at Special Touch Camp in Waupaca. Special Touch Ministries provides summer camps for people with special needs who would not otherwise be able to attend camp. They do Summer Getaway camps all across the nation and share the love of Jesus with this amazing group of people that is many times discouraged from coming to church all together.
While I was there last year, I shared a testimony about my struggle with asthma. I was giving an illustration on the song “Great Are You Lord” and the line that says, “It’s your breath in my lungs, so we pour out our praise”. That line meant so much to me when I was struggling with a lung condition that was complicated by my asthma. Every single breath was a reminder of my dependence on God and His ability to provide me with life.
After I shared this message, a young lady came up to me and asked if she could pray for God to heal my asthma. But here’s the thing… this young lady had many physical ailments that are much more visible than my now controlled asthma. I, of course, allowed her to pray–and she did. It was short and sweet and full of faith. And when she was done she hugged me and walked away and I sat down into the chair flooded with emotion.
This young lady had earth-shaking faith. She didn’t need to have experience complete healing in her life to believe God for my healing. She didn’t come to me asking for prayer for her healing, she heard me talk of my ailment and believed that God could and would heal me. I was floored at the level of this faith from someone most people would write off as unable to understand anything about God at all let alone have faith to believe for the impossible.
My prayer became “God give me faith like this.” Faith that believes beyond what I have seen into things I haven’t even experienced yet. Stretch my faith to believe ALL of your Word, all of who You are and everything you have for me. Give me faith like this.
“I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief” – Mark 9:24