The Spirit of God was hovering over the chaos of matter in complete darkness. (See Genesis 1: 1)  We do not know how long the Holy Spirit hovered over this chaos, one year, a billion years, we just don’t have any frame of reference for this.  We do know that He was hovering, yet nothing happened until the word of Jesus spoke over it.  The Holy Spirit moved through the spoken word of God.
What about today?  Reinhardt Bonnke states “God desires, Jesus speaks, and the Holy Spirit moves” We have talked about getting God’s desire (See yesterday’s post) now we have to believe that we can speak out what God wants to do in the valley freeing the Holy Spirit to move.
It is too easy to complain about the way things are run, how the roads are plowed, how ridiculous the government is using our finances, how the schools should be run and if we were in charge everything would be different.  Believe it or not, God wants things run different too.  He wants His kingdom to come, His will to be done here in the valley as it is done in heaven.
Let us take time during this day of fasting to hear what God wants to do at our place of work, home, school, valley, etc… and have the faith to speak it out over the valley.  Rather than complaining, let’s be agents of change in our valley.  Allow the kingdom of God to come in our hearts and then be people who are making the kingdom of God come to our valley through our prayers.
Don’t allow the Holy Spirit to just hover over the valley.  Allow Him to work through you to accomplish all God wants to see in the Chippewa Valley