The Building up of the Body in Love
1. Spiritual gifts given to the church Vs 27, 28
- We are the body and the church is built up when each part functions in its role
- There is no reason for pride in the use of the Spirit’s gifts
- There is no reason for false humility in the use of the Spirit’s gifts.
- We can all allow the Spirit to flow through us to build up the body.
- There are no roles that are not important in the body of Christ.
- Paul continues to answer their questions that they posed to him.
- From the context, we can assume that the question has to do with authority and leadership in the church. “Who should be in charge and what signs show the spirituality of the leadership in the church.”
- Paul is saying no on is more important than anyone else.
- In communion, wait on each other
- In spiritual gifts, honor each other
- Collectively, you are the body of Christ Vs 27
1. you are each members
- You each have parts to play in this body.
- This is not an exhaustive lists
- This is not a list of importance
- People who are gifts
- Apostles – those who start something new
- Prophets – those who are able to see down the road and encourage adjustments.
- Teachers – Those who build up the body of believers.
- Charismata gifts
- Miracles – gift was present and no emphasis on a person
- Healing – physical manifestations in the body of a miracle.
- Deeds of Service
1. Helpful deeds – to help, assist; aid; ministering to physical and spiritual needs! 2. Leadership – government or organizing. Wise counsel.
9. Utterance gifts
1. not the bottom of the list, but one of the gifts. We will see later on that this gift is a major source of contention in the church and Paul is placing it in this lists with no specific emphasis on it.
2. Rhetorical Questions Vs 29 – 31
- The answer to all of these questions is no.
- The gifts can be used by everyone, but to feel that someone has them all or excels in them all at the cost of not needing the rest of the body is absurd.
- you should eagerly desire greater gifts.
- This shows that gifts are available to us.
- We need to eagerly desire them (See 14: 1)
Chapter 13 (The Love Chapter)
There is a purpose why this chapter is placed in the middle of a dissertation on spiritual gifts. In answering the questions about what makes someone spiritual, we need to see that the pursuit of love is the highest aim. (Remember they are fighting at their communion services) This is why there is a challenge to desire the gifts that build up the body rather than using the gifts to s!how off how spiritual we are.
Paul is not speaking about love as some Hallmark card or saying that is spoken about in weddings. He is showing that Love is a viable sign of a spirit filled life. Love is the real measure of a spirit filled life
Three Conditional Statements Vs 1 – 3
1. If I Speak in the tongue of men and of angels 1a
- Tongues of men would be languages
- Tongues of angels would be the gift of tongues.
- People who spoke in tongues thought they were really on a different plain because they were speaking a heavenly language.
- Paul was in heaven and he could talk about this from a great point of view.
- Spirituality is not measured in gifts, but in love.
2. If I do not love (act lovingly) I am as sounding brass. 1b
- I must be toward others as God is toward me.
- To walk in the spirit is to walk in love.
- The cymbal was used in the worship of Cybele which emphasized ecstasy. The Corinthians thought ecstasy was in tongues. Paul says they are both the same. One noise unable to say anything different.
Again the use of charismata gifts.
1. Notice he challenges them that they are used in perfection which is emphasized that it will not happen.
Beyond charismata to personal sacrifice. 3
- Not being a Martyr, but sacrificing everything in front of others.
- Again, without love we are nothing.
2.The character of love
We will understand this better if we notice that love is in the capital form. This means that Love i!s not the feeling between two people, but it is God Himself (1 John 4: 16)
- Love is patient.
- Patient with people not things
- Special emphasis on the those who injure others
- They do not retaliate
- Love is Kind (Active)
- Sweetness in action without righteous indignation
- This verb is only found in christian writings
- Both of these words show the mercy of God in withholding His wrath
- Now verbs that shows how love does not behave.
- Love does not envy
- Corinthians church was filled with rivalries
- We don’t seek position, but rather how can I serve those for whom Jesus died.
- Envy carries the capacity of boiling over or the capability of doing evil
The Character of Love Vs 4 – 7
- Love does not vaunt or boast.
- It is not a windbag or self centered.
- It will not call attention to how spiritual we are.
- Love is not boastful (puffed up) or proud
1. it finds its expression in humility
7. Love is not rude
1. the context is how men and women were coming to the Lord’s table in the way they dressed.
- It does not demand its own way.
- Context they freedom to eat what I want when I want where I want.
- Does not intend to find its self worth in what others think
- Not easily provoked
1. God wants to show mercy to those who easily bother us.
- Keeps no record of evil
- See 2 Corinthians 5: 19 not counting our trespasses against us.
- We wait for God to settle the score
- Think of Jesus first words from the cross…
- Love does not rejoice about injustice
- Love rejoices with every victory
- It rejoices in every act of forgiveness
- It will not rejoice over evil
- This has to do with gossip
- The heart is broken when others fall
- Love’s staccato
- Bears and endures the present
- Believes and hopes for the future
- It puts up with everything
- There is nothing love cannot face.
- There is no limit to its endurance
- It never ceases to have faith.