1. Utterances are Useless without a clear sense Vs 6 – 12
- Examples of what is happening in the church service
- Utterances (tongues)
- Revelation instruction disclosure of truth
- Knowledge More advanced study of the christian faith
- Prophesying disclosure of divine mysteries
- Doctrine an utterance which took the form of instruction
- The church is still starting and there are not a lot of false doctrines, but they are coming and Paul will deal with them in some of his other letters.
- Meaning clear as a musical instrument cannot be understood unless it is clear. Vs 7,8
- Notice the bite in the words they would not understand Vs 9
- Filling the air with empty words
- They would not understand any better than someone speaking a foreign language. Vs 10
- he is not saying all tongues are foreign languages, he is saying someone speaking a foreign language has meaning to the speaker, but not the hearer.
- If it don’t grasp the meaning of what is being said, then we are all foreigners to each other.
- Excel in gifts that build up the body Vs 12
2. The Application Vs 13 – 19
- Let him who speaks in a tongue pray that they may interpret. Vs 13
- Only interpretation can edify.
- He is not speaking against tongues, but uninterrupted tongues
- Paul’s personal statement Vs 14
- Mind does not benefit when he prays in tongues.
- His own spirit is praying as the Spirit gives utterance
- Paul prays and praises in tongues and in intelligible speech Vs 15
- For… a transition from private to corporate Vs 16a
- If you are praising in tongues, how can another say Amen to what is being said. Vs 16b
- The people in the service cannot agree with what is being said if they cannot understand.
- They don’t have the gift of tongues or the interpretation.
- Here is why the situation is unacceptable Vs 17
- You may be praising God, but the other person is not being edified.
- Giving thanks is good, but that is not enough
- We need to come together to praise God, but we also have to come together to be edified.
- Paul talks in tongues more than any of them. Vs 18
- So what!!!!
- When it comes to the assembly Vs 19
- The critical question is not “do you speak in tongues”?
- The critical question is “What is appropriate in the assembly”
- 5 intelligible words are to be preferred over against 10,000 words in a tongue
3. The Application for Unbelievers. Vs 20 – 25
- Don’t be children in your thinking 20a
- He is not saying tongues are childish
- Their thinking is childish
- In evil be babies, but in your thinking be mature.
- Think about the problems that are in the church and you think you are mature because you speak in tongues?
- He quotes Isaiah 28 and their mockery of Isaiah’s message.
- Tongues a sign for unbelievers Vs 22a
- They will see your tongues and think you are mad Vs 23
- Prophesy is a sign for God’s presence among people. Vs 22b
- A sign of God’s presence among the people.
- The results of Prophecy in your midst Vs 24, 25
- The unbeliever is
- Convicted
- Judged
- Repent and say God is among you.
- The unbeliever is
4. Self Control is the proper order int he worship service 26 – 33
IMPORTANT: Paul is not giving us instruction of how to do a church service. He is correcting problems in the Corinthians services.
- Let’s summarize what we know Vs 26
- Each one had a function when they came together
- Remember, they are leaderless as they are all following other leaders and rejecting the others resulting in competition among them as to who is the most spiritual.
- The problem child Tongues Vs 27
- It is not to dominate the assembly
- The tongues should be done in order one at a time.
- If there is no interpreter, then they need to be silent. Vs 28
- Two or three prophets should speak Vs 29a (Paul moves from tongues to prophecy)
- What was said must be discerned if it was from God or not. Vs 29b
- Don’t go over three people before you discern what is said.
- Esteem each other Vs 30 This has to do with their competition with each other.
- Prophecy is for everyone and we can all do it. Vs 31
- It doesn’t say all possess the gift, but the potential is there for everyone.
- Gifts are subject to the the person Vs 32
- Why? It all relates to the character of God Vs 33
- Peace is not quietness
- Peace is esteeming others and pursuing a christian unity between each other.
5. Final Instruction Vs 34 – 40
- Women be silent Vs 34
- We already received instruction on how they are to talk in the assembly (See 11: 5)
- Don’t challenge men in their teaching in public
- Wait to come home and find the answer
- Be submissive
- See Ephesians 5: 12
- Critical of the Corinthians when they are thinking they are setting the pace spiritually Vs 36
- Recognize the authority Paul has from God Himself Vs 37
- A real spiritual man will recognize the authority that Paul is talking about.
- Failure to recognize spiritual authority is failure to recognize God himself. Vs 38
- Three part summary Vs 39, 40
- Eagerly desire to prophesy
- Do not forbid speaking in tongues
- No limit on private usage
- In fellowship only with interpretation
- Everything done in a fitting and orderly way
- To behave properly (See 1 Thessalonians 4: 12)
- Order is the exact opposite of disorder