Next week we are going to start a new series “The Scarlett Thread”

The theme of our study in Corinthians has been “Living the Light in a Dark World”.  That cannot be more relevant as now as we wrap up this last letter.

  1. Christ’s Power Among the Corinthians. Vs 3
  1. Christ is alive through the power of God.
    1. Romans 8: 11 And the spirit who raised Christ from the dead lives in you.  And just as God raised Christ Jesus from he dead, he will give life to your oral bodies by this same Spirit living within you.
    2. Ephesians 2: 5 Even when e were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.
    3. When Jesus died, he committed himself to the one who could raise him from the dead.
  2. To understand our weakness, we need to understand the power at work within us.

2. We are weak in Christ Vs 4

  1. We are weak in ourselves and the power we have rest in the presence of God
  2. When we identify with the weakness of Christ on this earth, then we can identify with the power of the resurrection.
  3. Weakness does not make us Milk toast
  4. We are weak in the world’s eyes as Christ was weak in the world’s eyes.
  5. The world will one day witness the manifestation of Christ’s power.
  6. The weakness of Christ is actually just patience and long-suffering so that the world will repent.

3. Test yourselves Vs 5 – 10

  1. Rather than trying to judge whether  others are right with God, we need to check our own hearts first.
  2. 1 Corinthians 6: 9 – 11 is the test
    1. Abstaining from evil
    2. No desire for his ministry to have to be approved by others.
    3. He lived a life for the sake of others.
    4. Changed lives are the real test of Christ in us.
  3. Test yourselves by apostolic authority Vs 6
    1. 2 Peter 1: 21 Spirit moved upon the prophets and they spoke.
  4. Submit to the words of the apostle and you will not face judgement when he comes Vs 7
  5. Do not oppose the truth but must stand for the truth Vs 8
    1. Jesus is truth so we need to constantly align with the teachings of Jesus.
  6. Paul’s weakness is accepted if it produces fruit in their lives. Vs 9
  7. Paul’s authority is for building up the body. Vs 10
    1. Everything Paul does is for the building up the body of believers
    2. Paul hopes his letter will bring correction so he won’t have to do it when he comes to them
    3. There will be punishment if they do not submit to the teaching.
    4. A man reaps when he sows.
      1. Galatians 6: 7, 8
      2. Luke 6: 37, 38

4. The Conclusion Vs 11 – 14

  1. Be joyful Vs 11
    1. Grace you have received 1: 24, 2: 3
    2. As I do on your behalf 7: 7, 9, 16  ;13: 9
    3. Go on to perfection 6: 1, 13  ;7: 1, 11 ; 9: 8, 12: 19, ;13: 9 (perfection here is the same word used in Galatians 6: 1 which means gradual amendment after a serious fault.
    4. Be encouraged. Keynote of the first part of this epistle. 1: 4, 6; 7: 7
    5. Be of the same mind and live in peace 12: 20
  2. The result the God of Love will be with you
  3. Greet each other with a holy kiss Vs12
  4. Paul embraces the three persons of the blessed trinity. Vs 14
    1. It is through the grace of God in Christ that they have been reconciled.  They have experienced the Love of God the Father and been brought into the fellowship of God the Holy Spirit, which is the community of the nee creation.  This is a great unity which we experience and need to continue to grow into this saving knowledge.