Restoring a Fallen Person
2 Corinthians 2: 5 – 11
- Response to First Letter
- The first part of 2 Corinthians is further explaining his first letter or giving further instructions
- this is dealing with the problem in 1 Corinthians 5
- A man is sleeping with his father’s wife
- The church in Corinth thinks that they are super spiritual, but don’t deal with this problem
- Paul’s advice was to…
- Avoid fellowship with this person
- If you do talk with them the subject should be what they are doing
- Remove the person from your midst.
- Paul is very specific about the fact that he is talking about people in the church.
- We are not to judge those outside the church (1 Corinthians 5: 12, 13)
2. Church discipline
- Church discipline is never intended to be destructive; it is designed to bring about restoration.
- Galatians 6: 1
- Paul does commend them for their zeal. (See 2 Corinthians 7: 11)
- The point of this part of the letter is that now you must forgive and comfort.
3. He has grieved us all Vs 5
- Paul was not personally hurt by the offense.
- It can be dangerous to pick up an offense that is not ours
- This offense was against the church and Paul takes defending his church personally.
4. Forgive the guilty person Vs 6, 7
- A majority were hurt by what this individual did
- The word majority means that some supported what this person was doing.
- Discipline which is so inflexible ceases to be truly christian.
- If we make it impossible to reenter fellowship we are in danger ourselves
- Yet we can’t allow wickedness to infect the body
- Discipline which is so inflexible ceases to be truly christian.
- This is the act of binding and loosing in the body of Christ (Matthew 18: 18)
5. Reaffirm your love toward him Vs 8, 9
- Don’t let them just come and stare at him
- Accept them back into fellowship with brotherly love
- This will be a test of their willingness to submit to Paul’s leadership Vs 9
6. Forgiveness spreads Vs 10
- Remember condemnation and forgiveness are done in the presence of Christ.
- The believer’s life should always be lived as you would have wished at the time of death and judgement
- As we forgive in the presence of Christ others will accept them
- John 20: 23
- Only God can forgive sins
- We can free them from the guilt of unforgiveness.
- We stand in grace and must give it to others around us.
- John 20: 23
7. Satan takes advantage Vs 11
- Without the spirit of forgiveness, satan gains the advantage.
- Any discipline which brings a person only to despair is giving satan rights which are not his
- None of us should ever be ignorant of satan’s devices
- never abandon the penitent brother to despair; the Church should still be a fellowship of love.