Paul was talking about the trials that he is facing on behalf of the Corinthians.

  1. Troubles = Many Afflictions of believers
  2. Hardships = Requirements of the law
    1. Justice
    2. Mercy
    3. Faith
  3. Calamities = perplexities that we cannot figure out

They are running into people accusing them of many things.

  1. People despise them Vs 8
  2. They slander them. Vs 8
  3. Called imposters Vs 8
  4. Ignored Vs 9
  5. Close to death in fact some of them killed. Vs 9
  6. We are poor and owe nothing Vs 10

We can expect  these things from others, but not you.

  1. The Corinthians are ignoring them. Vs 11 – 13
  1. I am pouring my heart out to you Vs 11
  2. If there is any lack of sympathy, it is on their side not his. Vs 12
    1. Corinthians found room for suspicion
    2. They received word from Paul’s enemies
    3. Paul showed love in bringing the love of God to them.
  3. You are my children so impersonate their father. Vs 13

2. Unequally yoked.

Many come up with many comparisons of what Paul is talking about here. We bring it into marriage, business and such. We need to put this into context.  They are not acting like believers in how they are responding to Paul.

This is not just unequally yoked, but different in kind.

  1. Five Questions
    1. What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness
      1. There is an obvious difference between a believer and unbeliever
      2. Righteousness Vs lawlessness because sin is lawlessness
    2. What communion has light with darkness
      1. Belief and unbelief can never be compatible
      2. The believer is brought from spiritual darkness into Light (Jesus)
    3. What harmony is there between Christ and the devil.
      1. Christ the light of the world and devil prince of lawlessness
      2. People of light show light and people of darkness keep on sinning 1 John 3: 7 – 10
    4. How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever?
      1. Treasures of earth contrasted with he treasures of heaven.
      2. The glory of God Vs the glory of man
    5. What agreement can there be between the temple of God and the temple to idols?
      1. Agreement is the concept of voting together in the same manner.
      2. There is a radical difference between idols and the temple of God.

3. You are the temple of the Lord Vs 16

  1. Temple divided into three parts
    1. Outer part (courtyard) where gentiles could enter
    2. Sanctuary where only priests could enter
    3. Holy of Holies where one priest could enter once a year
  2. This was shown in Sinai
    1. Outer part of the mountain where all the people could come
    2. Mountain where leaders could climb up
    3. Top where Moses could meet with God.
  3. Other similarities
    1. You will die if you touch the mountain = You will die if you enter the Holy of Holies
    2. Cloud at Sinai (24: 25, 26) Cloud filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40: 34)
    3. Fire on top of mountain (19: 18) Fire at night (40: 38)
  4. Both of these were to house the presence of God and his spoken word to Israel.
  5. I will dwell among them (25: 8)
  6. 2 Corinthians 6: 16 I will walk among them and be their God.
  7. Temple is actually sanctuary part of the Temple.
    1. No outer court
    2. Repentance is important in this pursuit of getting to the Holy of Holies.
    3. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.

4. We have these promises 7: 1 – 4

  1. Cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh 1a
    1. Everything that has earthly associations
    2. Everything that may contaminate us
    3. Everything that affects our flesh or spirit of a person.
  2. Perfecting holiness out of reverence for God 1b
    1. progression not a sudden attainment
  3. Context “make room in your hearts for us.Vs 2
  4. We live together and die together Vs 3
    1. This is real agape
    2. It is proven by the life we live with each other.