Luke 5
Abiding isn’t something we add to our list of things to do; It is the list
John 1 – Just because you encounter Jesus doesn’t mean that you are Abiding with Him. Satan saw God, but chose not to Abide.
- Andrew
- Simon (Peter)
- Philip
- Nathaniel (the guy with no fault)
Abiding has to be more than waiting for the next good thing.
Mark 1 – Jesus said “follow me” and they left their nets and followed Him.
- We follow until something is required that we don’t like
- We have to trust and continue to abide even when we don’t understand
The Point of Luke Chapter 5 –
- Jesus told Peter to go fishing
- at the wrong time
- with too few people
- Peter was awestruck at the miracle that he witnessed
If we make God too small we have no desire to stay with Him
- God can’t awe us enough by what He does, but when we Abide in Him we will continue to be in awe of Who He Is.
Matthew 21 – Cornerstone
- He is the one who keeps everything together
- Abiding is giving up ourselves to rest in His Love
- Moment by moment
- As soon as we yeild ourselves to obey He gives us the strength to be able to do it
Peter went back to fishing and caught 157 fish. 157 = I Am God.