- The Outpouring
- The followers of Jesus were promised an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- The Feast of Pentecost was happening
- Celebration of the harvest
- Celebration of the Giving of the Torah
- Helenistic Jews were in Jerusalem for this celebration
- Traveled from around the Roman empire to celebrate and make business deals
- Sound of the rushing wind stopped everyone who was at the temple
- People heard the rushing wind
- They saw people speaking in other tongues
- Some were convinced
- Others put it off saying the followers were drunk
- Peter’s Message
- This was prophecies by the prophet (Joel 3:1 – 5, Vs 16, 17)
- Refutes the people who are saying that they are drunk
- “The Last Days”
- 2000 years ago — how can these be the last days?
- The last days are the promise that the Messiah will come and set up his kingdom on the earth and rule
- Those in relationship with Jesus are starting to experience this in today’s kingdom
- Your sons and daughters will prophecy (2:18)
- The divine presence did not dwell no the second temple like it did in the first
- This is the filling of the divine glory of the temple
- Prophecy is going to become a major factor in the rest of the Book of Acts
- Signs and wonders will come from heaven (Vs 19, 20)
- Peter declares that these signs were performed by Jesus (Vs 22)
- will acknowledge a greater fulfillment of these signs and wonders
- Jesus taught this in (Matthew 24:30 and Luke 21:11, 12, 25, 26)
- These also happen when the angel breaks the sixth seal in Revelation (Revelation 6:16)
- Jesus taught this in (Matthew 24:30 and Luke 21:11, 12, 25, 26)
- Peter uses Joel 2:32 to break off the Joel prophecies and start his discourse
- Death of Jesus confirmed by God (Vs 22, 23)
- People Galilee and Jerusalem knew about Jesus
- Other Jews may not have heard of him
- He claims the wicked killed him, but the Jews handed him over
- Wicked would be the Romans
- Jews were the Sadducees and Pharisees
- It was ordained by God that this would happen
- People Galilee and Jerusalem knew about Jesus
- God raised Him from the dead (Vs 24)
- Peter quotes a Psalm from David (Vs 25 – 29)
- David is speaking prophetically about the Messiah
- He is not claiming that he would never die
- Tomb of David was in Jerusalem and Peter knew about it
- There is a tomb, but put up by the crusaders —probably not accurate
- David knew about the everlasting kingdom coming through him (Vs 30, 31)
- 2 Samuel 7:12, 13
- Peter introduces the others as eye witnesses (Vs 32)
- Eyewitnesses to the miracles that happened
- Peter emphasizes the life and miracles of Jesus (Vs 2:22), Resurrection from dead (Vs 24 – 32), exaltation to right hand (Vs 33 – 35)
- Eyewitnesses to the miracles that happened
- Jesus was exalted to the right hand of God (Vs 33 – 35)
- He explained this so the people would not ask, “Where is he now if he rose from the dead?”
- Spirit of conviction on the skeptics comes (Vs 36, 37)
- What shall we do?
- Two step action points
- Repent (Vs 38)
- John the Baptist’s message (Matthew 3:1)
- Jesus also preached it (Matthew 4:17)
- The return to God is the same message from Genesis —“Adam, Where are you?”
- Christianity does not make you check your brain at the door, but if Jesus is Messiah, it does require a change in heart and attitude
- No greater guilt than knowing the truth and rejecting it
- Be Baptized (Vs 38)
- In the name of Jesus leads to confusion about what is the formula for baptism
- Wording here would stop this argument is we just put in for the name of Jesus
- For the sake of
- Identify with Jesus
- A mystical union with Jesus takes place here
- You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Vs 38)
- This does not mean that you have to be baptized to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
- Three are people who are filled with the Holy Spirit who Peter tells to be baptized later (Acts 10:44 – 48)
- Promise of Salvation (Vs 39)
- Peter goes back to the promise of Joel whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (2:32)
- All who are far away is talking to the Hellenistic Jews
- This promise will also happen to the Gentiles (Romans 10:13)
- Generation doomed (Vs 40)
- Peter preaches for a long period of time
- Saved from this perverse generation is the same warning Jesus gave (Matthew 23:36, 37)
- Not that this generation was so much worse, but that the time for it to happen was now
- 3000 saved
- At first Pentecost when the Torah came people worshipped a calf and 3000 people died after 40 days (Exodus 32:28)
- Sin brought death but Jesus brings life
- People returned to the pools and immersed into the name of Jesus
- This was prophecies by the prophet (Joel 3:1 – 5, Vs 16, 17)