The Holy spirit was at creation in Genesis 1: 2 and appears over 800 times in the bible

Rauch of God = Violent Blast of Breath

in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit came upon…

  • Specific people
  • Specific times
  • Specific purposes
  1. Holy Spirit is hard to understand

We can understand God as Father and Son because we have examples of Fathers and Sons

Holy Spirit is not an it, but God with a personality

  • He has a mind Romans 8:27
  • He has a will 1 Corinthians 12: 11
  • Emotions Romans 15: 30
  • He speaks Hebrews 3: 7
  • He can be grieved Ephesians 4: 30
  • he can be insulted Hebrews 10: 29

The Holy Spirit is not just…

  • Wind
  • Fire
  • A Dove

Acts 2: 2, 3

Key Point: We live a spirit less rather than a spirit filled life

  1. Spirit less life is caused by…

  • Ignorance of the Holy Spirit (Acts 19: 1 – 3)
  • Resisting the Holy Spirit(Acts 7: 51)
  1. The Spirit filled life is characterized by...

  • Allowing the Holy Spirit to comfort you (John 14: 16)

He comforts us by helping us discern what is happening in our lives Vs 17

2 Corinthians 1: 9 I expected to die, but as a result, we learned not to rely on ourselves, but to rely only on God who raises the dead.

Vs 10 He rescued us and will rescue us again.

  • Allowing the Holy Spirit to Convict you (John 16: 8)

Isaiah 30: 21 Your own ears will hear him right behind you a voice will say. This is the way you should go whether to the right or to the left

Through comfort and conviction we can live a spirit filled life