- Two Nations
- Genesis 25: 23 Two nations fighting in your womb.
- Rebekkah enquired of the Lord and He answered her.
- The younger Jacob father of Israel will defeat the older Esau (Edom)
- The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of this world.
- Jesus used kingdom of this world to represent Rome
- Kingdom not of this world John 18: 36
- Satan ruler of this world Now judgement is upon this world now the ruler of this world will be cast out. John 12: 31
- Use of Rome could lead to imprisonment, trial and execution.
- In the minds of the Rabbis, Rome represented Edom or world or enemy against kingdom of God.
- Roman emperor acted as a false messiah. 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 4 The son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself above every so called god or object of worship.
- In the end the older Brother Rome, will serve the younger brother kingdom of heaven.
- There are birth pains in the delivery and the war between these two came to fruition.
- Esau came first and Rome rose before the kingdom of Messiah
- Just as Jacob was born holding onto the heal of Esau, the kingdom of God will come on the heels of Rome.
- Psalm 89: 51b, 52 Your enemies have reproached O LORD they have reproached the heels of your Messiah.
- Heels may also mean footsteps.
- In the Battle we need to look for the footsteps of Messiah.
2. Esau and Jacob.
- Esau the hunter Vs 27
- He found his delight in killing things. Now this is not just hunting but the verse lends itself to the idea that he thirsted for power and conquest.
- Father Isaac could not see the deceit in Esau’s words. He loved the taste for game, or he was blinded to the words of conquest that were in his mouth.
- Jacob was a peaceful man living in tents. Vs 27
- We know he was a trickester and deceiver, but there is a heart in him that also loves peace.
- Blameless here also means perfect or fit for sacrifice.
- Rebekkah held onto the prophetic word that was spoken over him while Isaac fell into deceit.
3. Our Times Deceit
- Verses on Deception
- 2 Corinthians 11: 13 – 15
- 2 Thessalonians 2: 9 – 12
- Matthew 24: 12
- Not meant to scare but to prepare us.
- Pope May 22: 2013 Lord Redeems everyone Blood is what makes us children of God
- Physical calamities
- Matthew 24: 7
- Wars and Rumors of Wars
- Everyone saying peace
- President Obama
- Rebuild of Roman Empire
- European Union and building*
- Babylon place of rebellion**
- Israel because of its rebellion, was marched into a place of rebellion.
- Altar of Zeus know as seat of satan is in Berlin***
- Ishtar Gate to Babylon was taken to Berlin.****
4. Our Reaction
- Esau and Birthright. Genesis 25 34
- What good is a birthright if I die? He had no thought of an afterlife. 1 Corinthians 15: 32 If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
- He gave up his destiny
- Be watchful Matthew 25: 1 – 13
- Abide Don’t just listen, do what it says. 1 John 3: 24
- Trust
- We are his representatives
- Blessed hope
- Titus 2: 11 – 14
- 1 Thessalonians 4: 13
- Be about the Father’s business
- Luke 2: 49
- John 20: 21
- Luke 19: 13
- Romans 13: 11 – 14 Notice word now and how it is used
Be of Good cheer, I have overcome this world.