Take a one week break from Leviticus to look at a situation happening in our nation through the race explosion that happened last weekend
Matthew 24: 10 then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
- Spirituality and Environment.
- No matter what the degree of spirituality we may attain, God will still use the environment around us to speak to us.
- God does not cause all things, but He is over all things.
- Depending on our influence, we will either be effected by the things happening, or stop to hear what God is doing int he midst of these things.
2. Jacob’s encounter #1
- Most powerful encounter in Jacob’s life was at Bethel Genesis 28
- He was fleeing from his brother Esau and going to his uncles house
- he laid his head down and went to sleep.
- God appeared to him and reassured him that He was with Jacob.
- Jacob’s promise. Genesis 28: 20 – 22
- Next morning he cast that vow away.
- Even though he asked God to keep him, he spent the next 20 years taking care of himself.
3. Jacob’s Encounter #2
- Laban chased him
- They sign a peace treaty promising not to deceive each other again.
- Esau is coming at him with an army
- Jacob wrestles God Genesis 32: 22 – 32
- New name given Israel
- Named the place the “face of God”
- Not trying to over spiritualize but an encounter like that would put someone on another plane spiritually
- Esau and Jacob made peace
- Jacob buys a plot of land and builds an altar there 33: 19
4. God’s Approval
- Jacob settled and was at peace, but God wasn’t
- Notice he is still named Jacob here
- God gave Jacob everything he promised him at Bethel
- Jacob may have given God 10%, we do not know.
- Jacob did not give him himself.
- God was going to speak through the events around him to bring him to another level with Him.
5. Problems of the Environment
- Dinah gets raped
- Brothers kill all the people of Shechem
- All the people of the land now hate Jacob Vs30
- Blamed his sons and failed to see what God was doing through this situation.
- Need to be careful when we feel we are so spiritual that we don’t need anyone else around us.
- God calls again. 35: 1
- God speaks in the environment and what comes out of Jacob? Vs 2
- How could a man of God like him still have idols that he worshipped
- God used the circumstances around him to cleanse him
- Rather than raging, what do you want to speak through me in the middle of this?
- Only through these circumstances do the idols come out
- Jacob consecrates himself to the Lord again.
- Returns to Bethel the place of encounter.
- First love
- Place of seeing idols that have cropped up in our lives
7. God works on our behalf
- Fear fell on all those who were around Jacob 35: 5
- God renamed Jacob Israel again Vs 10
- Covenant restored
- Jacob settles in Canaan
8. Us
- Temple illustration
- butter Court full of business of sacrifices
- Most Holy Place God dwells in quiet
- Don’t let business get into most holy place
- We are the temple.
- Philippians 4: 6, 7 prayer and receive peace in faith
- Matthew 11: 29 take yoke in obedience