- The River Crossings
- Jacob crosses Jabbok Genesis 32: 22
- There is spiritual significance to crossing water
- Red Sea
- Ridding ourselves of sin and its dominion over us.
- Not enough to just rid ourselves of sin because these people never entered into the promise that was before them.
- Stuck in fear, depression and confusion
- Jordan is place of promise.
- Must be entered in faith. Hebrews 3: 19 – 4: 9
- Many are struggling with lust and addictions
- Not talking about never sinning again, but freedom from he dominion of these problems over our lives.
- Jabbok is the third river
- Jabbok means to empty or pour out.
- Here is a place where we must enter alone
2. The Wrestling Match
- Jacob had a vision of heaven when he left the promised land
- Angels were ascending and descending the ladder up to heaven Genesis 28: 2
- The ladder is Jesus John 1: 51
- Angels were ascending and descending the ladder up to heaven Genesis 28: 2
- Now Jacob is returning to the promised land and has another encounter with an angelic being
- Notice the angels did not notice Jacob when he left, but now there is an encounter
- The word man could also mean Husband
- Jeremiah 3: 14 Return, O backsliding children, says the LORD for I AM married to you and I shall take you, one from a city and two from a family and I shall bring you to Zion
- This angel is the Messiah in a pre New Testament form
- Form of an angel rather than Jesus of the New Testament.
- If Jesus could take on human form on his own, then we lose something of the miraculous birth.
- In a way we could say he was fully God fully angel here or the Word became angel and dwelt among us.
3. The Appeasement.
- Jacob is a different man than when he left the promised land
- I am not worthy of all the unfailing love and faithfulness you have shown to me, your servant. Genesis 32: 10
- He is obeying God’s voice Vs 9
- He is still into appeasement to try and make things go well with himself.
- I will send gifts ahead to appease Esau Vs 20, 21
- We do this in our battle of sin.
- If you will only give me victory, I will never do it again.
- We are still shocked that we fail in our power to serve God.
4. The victory of Jabbok
- Religion gives way to spirituality
- When Jacob saw the ladder he proclaimed How awesome is this place Vs 16, 17
- he cried out bless me and make me prosperous and I will serve you 1/10 of all I have Genesis 28: 20 – 22
- Bethel became a place of material blessing.
- We can see great visions and revelations, but the flesh is still in control.
- Total Surrender
- he had escaped everything that was before him throughout his entire life.
- Esau trying to kill him
- Laban’s betrayal
- Laban’s trying to kill him
- Wives fighting around him
- Now he was at the end of his rope. Esau is coming at him with 400 men
- The Angel looked down at him and asked him his name. Vs 27, 28
- Jacob means heal grabber.
- Must admit that there are hidden things in our lives that we have to confess.
- I am not standing over others, I am also guilty of sin in my own life.
- he had escaped everything that was before him throughout his entire life.
- Character change
- Your name will now be Israel Prevailing with God and Follow Close After.
- Prevail means to gain an upper hand.
- True commitment and surrender over the flesh.
- The Angel touched the thigh of Israel
- Our strength in what we are putting our hope in is weakened.
- It is here that victory is gained.
4. Place of an open heaven
- God reveals himself to those who are pure before Him
- Nathaniel was given a name that the other disciples weren’t. John 1: 47 – 51
- Piniel = the face of God
- I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved 32: 30, 31
- Jacob could of had this open heaven 20 years ago, but he went with his own flesh and self preservation
- What I am talking about is already ours, but we don’t enter into it because of unbelief and self promotion.
- Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own
- The word becomes alive and we see Jesus in it as we walk in obedience.
- Judgement begins in the house of the Lord Hebrews 10: 26 – 31
- Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7: 1
- We don’t need an alright wrestling match, we can enter into this if we would purify ourselves before God.