There was a question that we did not get to last week about the anointing oil.
Question: If the anointing only applied to kings and priests do you think we often misuse the word today? Saying someone is anointed or has an anointing?
Yes and No. We say too often what we feel is anointed and I do not know if that is true or not. We can base too much on our feelings.
- The recipe for the anointing oil for kings and priests was given in Exodus 30: 23, 24.
- There is a strict warning against making it for your own personal use Exodus 30: 32, 33.
- Some believe that this warning is for ever making it again. They believe that the oil never ran out.
- There is anointing oil mentioned in the New Testament 4 times
- Mark 6: 13 The disciples are told to anoint the sick and heal them. This could be a medicine.
- Mark 14: 3 – 9 Mary anoints Jesus feet as an act of worship
- James 5: 14 the elders are to anoint the sick with oil for healing
- Hebrews 1: 8, 9 When Christ returns to heaven, Your throne O God, will last forever and ever and God anoints Jesus with the oil of gladness.
- We do have an anointing from the Holy Spirit and we can know the truth because of it 1 John 2: 20
There is not a lot of instruction about the oil in the New Testament so we just try to function with what we know.
Another point that was brought out last week was the second blessing from Isaac to Jacob.
1. Second blessing 28: 3
- Be an Assembled multitude of people = assembly ekklesia where we get the name church.
- Jacob may you become a church of many people.
- Multitude is the nations Taragum states you will be a synagogue of nations.
Lets remember that one reason that God uses Jacob through all of his problems is that he is a man of peace. (Genesis 25: 27)
When Jacob returns to his father Isaac, he is going to run for his life but he wants to say goodbye to his father. He is also restored to Isaac because he just lied to him. Isaac forgives him by giving him a second blessing.
One last thought about the power of a blessing
Genesis 27: 37
- Esau had a cry for a Covenant blessing.
- This is to show the cry of people when they realize that they are outside the covenant of Grace through Jesus Christ.
- He still did not understand the line of Messiah as he asked if there was not another blessing.
- Remember he despised the things of God and traded them for one single meal.
- Hebrews 12: 17 states he could not find repentance even though he looked for it with tears.
- The Wine and the Grain.
- I have given the line of the Messiah to Jacob so there is nothing left for you.
- Live away from riches of earth and dew of heaven
- Riches means anointing oil Psalm 23: 5
- Dew of heaven is resurrection (Song of Solomon 5: 2 and Isaiah 26: 19)
- You will live under your brother until you shake the yoke from your neck
- Edomites defeated by Saul 1 Samuel 14: 47 and David 2 Samuel 8: 14
- They revolted under Solomon and Joram 1 Kings 11: 14 and 2 Kings 14: 7
- They were conquered again under Uzziah and Jotham 2 Kings 14: 22
- Finally shook off the yoke of Jacob under the reign of Ahaz 2 Kings 16: 6
- They were merged with the Jewish state under John Hyrcanus in b.c. 129
- Both prophecies fulfilled.
1. Jacob’s Gate 28: 10
- Settles in Luz and has a dream
- The ladder of heaven Vs 12
- Could be blessing upon Israel where angels are ascending and descending.
- Could be he was knowing he was leaving place of blessing
- This is a prophetic vision that is fulfilled in Jesus John 1: 50 – 51
- Jesus is the ladder
- This was a gate which is a place of transition
- Practical
- Elders with Wisdom at the gates Ruth 4: 1 – 12
- Four lepers at the gate waiting for transition and had to walk 2 Kings 7: 3
- Not a place that is to be stagnant
- Practical
- Darkness of Gates
- Gate to hell is wide Matthew 7: 13, 15
- Gates of deep darkness and death Job 38: 17
- Can be shut and bronzed Psalm 107: 16
- Not prevail against you Matthew 16: 18
- Gates of Light
- God go before us and make the rough places smooth I will shatter gates of bronze Isaiah 45: 2
- Gate to heaven is narrow Matthew 7: 13, 14
- Jesus is the gate John 10: 1 – 3
- Heaven has eternal open gates Revelation 21: 25
- Our role in the gates
- God calls people to be gatekeepers to protect the entrances 2 Chronicles 23: 19
- The gates of heaven are open so we can praise God Psalm 118: 19, 20
- Realization of gates open Open up gates that the king of glory may come in. Psalm 24: 7 – 10
- Revival of Jewish people returning through the North gate Jeremiah 1: 15
- House of God and Gate of heaven are the same thing Genesis 28: 17
- Peter given keys to the kingdom of heaven Matthew 16: 19
- Holy Spirit came on Samaritans when Peter came. Acts 8: 16, 17
- Holy Spirit came on Gentiles when Peter came to them. Acts 10: 44, 45
- Jesus is the ladder I ascend to my father and Your Father, and My God and your God John 20: 17
- I will be with you wherever you go and I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised Vs 15