Key Point: We are called to walk out patience int his world
1. Agapee is God
God would never ask us to do something that He Himself did not demonstrate to us.
The words that define love are words that define God Himself.
2. Love is long suffering
Patience has to do with things longsuffering has to dow ith people
makrothymeo Makro means long far thumeo means soul with passion wrath and anger
3. Exercising Long Suffering
- God
- Others
- Ourselves
A. Abraham waited patiently and he received what God had promised.
Waiting patiently for a crop lines up with Matthew 8
- Man came to Jesus for healing because he was unclean. Crop is cleansing from our sin. (Vs 1 – 4)
- Crop is understanding Authority (Vs 5 – 13)
- Crop is understanding Jesus too our sickness and diseases (Vs 14 – 17)
- Crop is keeping our hunger for God and not letting things destroy it in our lives (Vs 18 – 23)
- Crop is having faith that Jesus will get us to where He has called us. (Vs 23 – 27)
- Crop is believing Jesus has all authority (Vs 28 – 34)
We wait patiently for these things to grow and come mature in our lives.
- Don’t lose heart
- Don’t lose your temper in waiting for this crop to come.
Philippians 3: 10 i want (deep passion) to know Christ and the power of His resurrection (the harvest power and stimulating moral and spiritual life)
B. Others
- Body of believers Colossians 3: 12 – 14
- Those outside the body of believers Hebrews 2: 5 – 8
All things are not under His feet, but we see Jesus Hebrews 2: 9
Philippians 3: 10 fellowship (koinania small groups) of His sufferings
2 Peter 3: 9 The Lord is not slow concerning his promise as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. (how is that my sake, I am already saved? 2 Timothy 2: 12 suffer we shall also reign with him) He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.