- Memorial Created
Joshua 4: 1 – 7
- God’s command to build a memorial of what he has done
- A reminder for the children Vs6
- Not the first time Exodus 12: 26 Passover meal a reminder for the children.
Christianity is always one generation from disappearing and we are to pass on this heritage of who our God is and what He has done on our behalf.
What God has done in the past is always a precedent for what He wants to do in the future.
2. Communication
Memorials can lose their effectiveness over time as we begin to forget the impact of the situation.
The thing that makes them powerful is the conversations that happen as we continue on our faith journey.
- Jericho was there and the memorial was there. The memorial was not enough for them to conquer Jericho, God gave them specific instructions in how to conquer the city. (Joshua 6: 1 – 6). The plan unfolded exactly as they were instructed.
- The next city was Ai and it was small so they decided they did not even need the whole army. They were defeated because of compromise in the camp.
- Defeat destroyed the power of the memorial in the eyes of Joshua (Joshua 7: 6, – 9)
- God’s response was kind of curt. Get up! Command the people to purify themselves.
- I believe if Joshua would have kept communicating with the Lord for Ai like he did for Jericho, he would have been informed about the problem before it even happened.
When we break communication, we begin to do things for God instead of with Him.
3. Faith hearing.
Faith comes by hearing, not having heard Romans 10: 17.
We try to build a reservoir with God that will carry us through the next day.
- God will overlook our sins because I have been faithful for so long
- Claim one verse instead of how to walk this out daily in front of others.
Adam walked with God daily and had a discussion about what they were going to do in the garden.
4. Living Memorial
Without a living example of what God has done and is still doing, we will be consumed with fear.
Mark 5 Demon possessed man in an unclean area
1. Legion of Demons unable to stand in front of Jesus
2. Legion of Demons unable to keep someone in bondage.
3. Man set free and in right mind.
4. Crowd wants Jesus to leave their midst.
5. Let me come with you. Vs 19 no go home to your family and tell them everything that God has done. for you.
6. he left.
7. Mark 7: 31 he returns to the area of the Ten Towns The people bring their sick and Jesus teaches them and feeds the 4000 people.
Could it be because of the living memorial of one man who did not know a lot about Jesus, but shared who he was and what he had done.
5. Spiritual DNA
It is in our Spiritual DNA to be living memorials.
Story of Moses not being thrown into the Nile to be killed.
Exodus 3: 6 I am the God of your Father (the one who stood against Pharaoh) and your people Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Being a memorial is in your DNA go forth and set people free against whatever powers are in front of you.
Andy Stanley Quit scaring the children.
- Build a memorial and remember
- Keep communication with me
- Real faith and instruction comes from hearing.
- Tell those around you what God has done.
- It is in your DNA