Micah was a prophet at the same time as Isaiah.
Micah 7 – speaking to Judah specifically, but is also speaking to us prophetically today.
Verse 1 – There’s a drought, not for food, but for the Word of God
- Godly people have disappeared
- Not an honest person is left
- Murderers
- Greed is consuming the nation
Verse 3
- Leaders are twisting justice
Verse 4
- A lot of talk about judgement coming – a time of reckoning, we don’t know when, but it will come
Verse 5-6
- Enemies in your own household
- Matthew 10 – division in your family between those who will serve God and those who will not
Verse 7
- I look to the Lord for help
- I wait confidently to God to come and save me
- God I will seek You like I have never sought You before
- Not just going to church on Sunday
- Diligently seeking God
- Jacob wrestled all night
- Israel was in a war with Benjamin – civil war – spent a whole day fasting and praying
- Jesus was God almighty, but before He chose His disciples, he prayed all night
- the woman who knocked and knocked
- more than 2 minutes a day
Verse 8 – 10
- When we set our hearts to know God we will raise up the forces of hell against us
- temptations
- David & Bathsheba
- Peter denying Jesus
- Satanic attack
- Frustration of unanswered prayer
- Your enemies will ask you where is your God?
- temptations
Uziah 2 Chronicles 26
- He loved God and was strong in the Lord
- He became prideful
- Bypassed the priest and tried to enter the Holy of Holies
- He raged at the priest and leprosy formed on his forehead
Two types of people
- Those setting their hearts to know God
- People standing in their own righteousness, Uziahs – those who have served God for so long and begin to think that they have a “reservoir” with God
- try to bypass Jesus
- begin to ignore “small” sins
Isaiah 6
- We all have leprosy
- None of us can stand in God’s presence in our own righteousness
- God touched Isaiah’s lips with a coal from the altar
- We can’t do it – only His covenant
Verse 11
- He is building a wall around our heart
- He is refining us
- When a precious metal is put in the fire, the junk comes to the top. Allow Him to skim it off
Verse 14
- Shepherd us – prophetically speaking of Jesus Christ
Verse 15
- He rescued them from slavery in Egypt
- The Red Sea
- He opened it up and swallowed the enemy
- Isaiah 43:17
- If the enemy is attacking you, He is calling them forth to destroy them in your presence
- Isaiah 43:18
- forget all that, it’s nothing compared to what I will do for you
Verse 16
- All the demonic powers will stand amazed at what the Lord will do for you
- The enemy will be embarrassed at their feeble power
- Uziahs are running straight in to leprosy
- This is a promise for those who say “I can’t do this on my own”
- God says I am going to shepherd you
- God says I am going to destroy the enemy
- You will be set free from strongholds
- Zecheriah 2 – a wall of fire around you and the glory in the midst of you
Verse 19
- Trample our sins under Your feet
- Throw our sins in the depths of the ocean
Hebrews 10:26-39
- We cannot try to come before Him in our own power
- We have to come through Jesus, set our hearts to know Him
He is faithful to complete the good work that He began.