Why does God give us a new name?

  1. Hope of a promise

    1. Abram changed to Abraham

    2. Sarai changed to Sarah

    3. Simon changed to Peter

  2. Announcing Judgment upon someone

    1. Mahershalahashbaz (Isaiah 8: 3)

    2. Shearjjashub (Isaiah 7: 3)

Key Point: Your new name is a new identity about how God sees you.

How do we get this new identity?

Revelation 1: 10 – 16 Jesus comes in power to his church

  1. To look at how it is doing
  2. To refine it
  3. To make it what He wants it to be

The Letters to the churches are for us today. Each of them have an application of how God wants to refine us and make us the Bride (Church) he wants us to be.

There is a patter of how God talks to the churches

  1. A revelation of who He is
  2. The churches strong points
  3. The churches sins
  4. A reward for overcoming their sins. This will only be given to those who have ears to hear whatGod is saying and do something about it.

Meaning of the new name Revelation 2: 17

The White stone has four meanings

  1. Overcomers will have Jesus cast His vote for them

  2. Their lives will be refined and changed.

  3. An award given for athletic events

  4. An entrance into an event