Random teachings before the promised land.
- Vows 30: 1, 2
- Just as the Lord requires us to keep our vows, he will keep all his vows he has kept.
- God has kept all of his oaths
- Psalm 95: 10, 11 I swore in my anger that they shall not enter my rest.
- Ezekiel 34: 8- 11 He has made an oath to Zion to gather the exiles of Israel and adorn her with them and seek them out.
- Call to annul the oaths made. 30: 12
- Rabbi court can release someone from a bad vow.
- EXAMPLE: Judges 11 Jephthah’s vow
- Made a bad vow, repent before the Lord and ask for a removal of the vow over your life.
- Good as long as it does not affect another.
2. Wars of Mitzvah
- Go to war against Midian 31: 3
- Is it the Lord’s war or Israel’s war.
- One who strikes a child of God strikes God.
- He who touches you touches the apple of God’s eye Zechariah 2: 8
- We are called to carry out the Lord’s vengeance 1 Samuel 17: 16 who are you to taunt the armies of the living God.
- God’s rules for war
- If you build a house, or are newly married, planted a vineyard, feel fearful, you re excused from war.
- If it is a commanded war, then no one is excused
- Strike the Midianites Vs 1
- Missing Moab in this battle Deuteronomy 2: 9
- Midianites entered a battle that did not belong to them.
- God may have a plan for Moab
- Anointed for battle Vs 6
- Deuteronomy 20: 2 – 4 Do not be afraid, panic or tremble before them.
- Moses sends out Phinehas
- He doesn’t go or does he send his warrior Joshua.
- Phinehas had the spiritual authority in this battle.
- He is able to carry out the holy objects into battle.
- As a priest he is leading the people into battle.
- This is a sign of the end battle Revelation 19: 11 – 16
- Not one soldier is killed. 31: 49
- Balaam is killed (by Phinehas?)
- False prophet who deceived many.
- Sign of the antichrist who moves to deceive the people
- Messiah will destroy the antichrist with the breath of his mouth 2 Thessalonians 2: 8
- Purify yourselves for seven days Vs 19
- After war of God and Magog, the land will be purified for seven months. Ezekiel 39:11-16
3. Tribes on the east side Vs 32
- Promise to enter into the promised land to fight.
- No longer going to stay and not enter the promised land like their fathers did.
- We want to stay here but will cross. Vs 25, 26
- This is a symbol of the kingdom today.
- Land promised to Abraham
- They are possessing part of that promise, but still are fighting for the kingdom to come
- We fight for the kingdom while trying to possess what God has for us.
- Take the land, but keep a view of the final kingdom that will come.
- Cities of Refuge. 35: 10 – 11Promise of the kingdom coming.
- Place for someone to take refuge Vs 12
- If unintentional then place of safety
- Must stay there to be safe. 35: 26 – 28
- Relatives can bring judgement on person who killed another Vs 19
- Jesus will bring judgement on every drop of innocent blood spilled.
- Death of the high priest will set people free Vs 28
- Jesus death set us free from death sentence over us.
- Death of the high priest set the guilty free from sin.
- you will add three more cities. Deuteronomy 19: 8, 9
- Promise of future expansion and fulfillment of promise given to Abraham.
4. The daughters of Zelophehad 36
- Line of inheritance is through the male.
- They must marry within the tribe. Vs 7
- We are those daughters brought in through our marriage to Jesus.
- Gentiles are from the tribe of Judah.