Part of the Ministry of restoration that God wants to pour out upon the church is to release people in the “position” that Jesus created them for.


  1. Elijah releasing kings and prophets.
    1. Hazael will be king of Aram
      1. Assyrian writings say Hazael was the “son of a worthless fellow”
        1. Used as judgement against Israel and Judah (See 2 Kings 12: 17; 13: 22)
    2. Jehu will be king of Israel
      1. Officer is Israel army (2 Kings 9: 1 – 13)
      2. Used as judgement against Ahab’s family
    3. Elisha was a farmer
    4. 7,000 prophets raised up in Israel.


2. New Testament Examples of Spiritual Impartation


  1. Set aside Paul and Barnabas for ministry (Acts 13: 1 – 3)
    1. Note the Holy Spirit said Vs 2
    2. We do not call people the Lord does
  2. Timothy (1 Timothy 4: 14)
    1. Gift was given over a prophecy
      1. Must weigh prophecy carefully 1 Corinthians 14: 29
    2. They laid hands on him because they recognized a ministry he possessed
      1. This was done with the seven deacons in Acts
      2. They were recognized for their:
        1. Community respect
        2. Full of the Holy Spirit
        3. Full of wisdom


  1. Then they laid hands on them.
    1. Don’t think the gift was an individual gift but the Holy Spirit
      1. Gift = charisma which is plural
    2. He was regularly given through the laying on of hands


  1. Paul to the Romans Romans 1: 11
    1. We  can’t give spiritual gifts only the Holy Spirit can (1 Corinthians 12: 11)
      1. We don’t possess gifts.  We are only channels that the Holy Spirit can work through
        1. We can’t heal whenever we want
        2. We can walk on water whenever we want.
    2. Impart = communicate about
      1. Also done with the people in Acts who never heard of the Holy Spirit ( Acts 19: 1 – 7)
    3. Mutual encouragement.
  2. Mother of James and John wanted to raise up her sons in importance. Mathew 20: 20, 21
    1. Not all request are granted.



3.  Example of Elijah and Elisha


  1. Prophet leaving place of failure and going on to a new destiny
    1. Spirit of Elijah sees things before others see them
      1. Walked through cities that he was going to raise up schools of prophets.
      2. Town he lived in was Abel meholah (1 Kings 19: 16)
        1. Abel meholah means mourning into dancing
  2. Prophet calls Elisha
    1. Puts mantle over him which is a sign of adoption
    2. What do I have to do with you.
      1. Set apart for God (1 Thessalonians 4: 3)
    3. Calling is a recognition of what is already happening so we know Elisha was:
      1. Hard worker
        1. Farmer after 3 1/2 years of drought now in the fields because the rains came
      2. Generous
        1. killed cow and fed everyone
      3. Finisher
        1. worked the twelfth plow which would have been the last one over the field.


4. Hungry for anointing


  1. God calls for us to ask for spiritual gifts ( 1 Corinthians 14: 1)
  2. Elisha asked for a double portion 2 Kings 2: 9
    1. This is not double the spirit but the right of the first born son.
    2. the first born received a double portion of the spirit.
  3. He asked something only God could give 2 Kings 2: 10
  4. He had to stay focused to receive it
    1. See me go and you will receive it. Vs 10
    2. Saw chariots of God and was separated from Elijah Vs 11
    3. Stayed focused on Elijah Vs 12
  5. Stepped out either I have this or not. Vs 14
    1. Stir up the gift within you. 2 Timothy 1: 6, 7