- The Lamp Stands 8: 1 – 4
- Aaron instructed to light the menorah
- Prophetically this is Jesus
- Daniel 2: 22 And the light dwells with Him
- John 1: 5He is the “light” that shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.
- Prophetically this is Jesus
- Revelation 4: 5 these are the seven spirits of God
- Seven a number of completeness rather than seven different spirits.
- Jesus stands among the seven lamp stands in heaven and holds seven stars in his hand Revelation 1: 20
- Zechariah talks about the seven eyes that will remove sin in one day. Zechariah 3: 9
- These are the eyes of the LORD which range to and fro throughout the earth Zechariah 3:9
- God doesn’t need light because even darkness is not dark to him and night is as bright as the day Psalm 139: 12
- This lighting was a symbol that his light will fill the earth.
- His ministers are ministers of fire Hebrews 1: 7
- Dedication of the Levites to serve the Lord. 5 – 26
2. The Second Passover Numbers 9
- They have been out of Egypt for 1 year.
- Some men are unclean because of a dead person Vs 6
- They took it to the Lord as a question. Vs 9 – 12
- God instructed them to have another passover one month later.
- Great truth that every little detail matters in our lives
- These people lived as examples so we would know how to serve God.
- Two people were unclean for a Passover when they took Jesus body down from the cross. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.
- They celebrated the passover the next month.
- Under the same rules of not breaking a bone and not leaving it until the next day Vs 12
- Jesus bones were not broken
- They made sure to get him down from the cross and in the tomb before the next day.
3. The Cloud and Trumpets
- A cloud by day and fire by night 15 – 23
- Trumpets to sound the moving of the congregation and a reminder of the covenant.
- Both point to Messiah
- Jesus transfigured and covered by a cloud.
- Jesus stated that they would see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory Luke 21: 27
- Jesus ascended into heaven and disappeared into a cloud.
- John stated he will come in a cloud and every eye will see him.
- Voice of messiah like a great trumpet Revelation 1: 10
4. Three Day Journey and Confrontation. 10: 33 – 11: 35
- The congregation moves for three days and camps. Vs 33
- Death and resurrection of Jesus
- Came to a place of rest.
- Words of Aaron Arise oh Lord and let your enemies be scattered! Let them flee before you. Night, Return O Lord to the countless thousands of Israel.
- Time of decision with the resurrection.
- People complain about their diet. Appetite gone all we have is this manna. Vs 6
- Give us meatVs13 word for meat is flesh
- It was a common prophecy that the Messiah would come he would bring manna back to the people.
- Jesus does this by feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. He is able to feed us
- When people want another meal, he tells them “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven” John 6: 51
- Like in the wilderness, they rejected Jesus and wanted something to satisfy their flesh.
- John 6: 63 the flesh profited little.
- This is test number 9. They only have one more chance to trust God and they are going to die in the wilderness.
- People complain about their diet. Appetite gone all we have is this manna. Vs 6
- Messiah doesn’t reject them over this, He pours His spirit on them.
- This does not apply that the Holy Spirit had not come to them before this. Prophets spoke by the spirit of God 1 Peter 1: 11
- Many people full of the Spirit of God. David Elisha etc.
- This is a pouring upon all of them.
- Pour out my spirit on all flesh Joel 2: 28
- I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statues. and you will be careful to obey My ordinances Ezekiel 36: 27
- Authority over 70 elders comes.
- This is the Sanhedrin “The scribes and Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.” Matthew 23: 23
- Two others prophesy longer than the others. Eldad and Medad Vs 26
- Targum states they called forth quail and told of the rise of Joshua as a leader
- Two others prophesy longer than the others. Eldad and Medad Vs 26
- This is the Sanhedrin “The scribes and Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them.” Matthew 23: 23
5. One more challenge Numbers 12
- Challenge to Moses Leadership
- Started over his cushier wife. Vs 1
- Real problem is that God is speaking through Moses instead of them
- Careful in jealousy over ministry of others.
- God confronts
- Go to the tabernacle.
- Lord angry with them.
- Leprosy on Miriam (only reason not on Aaron is he is the priest)
- God’s grace as they waited for her. (they moved with the cloud so the cloud did not move)