Leviticus, How much can a person get out of this?
It is a shadow of Christ and what is to come (Hebrews 10: 1, Colossians 2: 17)
- And He Called to Moses Vs 1
- Hebrew name for book of Leviticus means “He called Moses”
- Lord previously called to Moses
- Burning bush
- From the mountain
- From the midst of a cloud
- Now from the Tabernacle that they built
- He calls repeating the name to signify love and desire
- Moses Moses from bush
- Samuel from dream
- Saul on Demascus road
- Vayikra = Hebrew for he called to Moses
- Tradition states that Moses used the word Vayikar which means he encountered God
- Same word used for Balaam the pagan prophet who encountered God.
- God demanded that he use the word Vayikra which means God called to him personally
- To satisfy this he made the last letter (Alef) smaller than the rest of the letters so he would show he was smaller and unworthy of encountering God.
- This is a symbol of Jesus who lowered himself to become a man
- Moses did not expect to hear from God again in this way once the tabernacle was built.
- Lord previously called to Moses
2. When a Man Vs 2
- To be grammatically correct, we change the wording, but it ruins what is said here.
- When a man (Third person) of you (switches to second person)
- Word for a man is Adam
- Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them When Adam bring you all an offering to the Lord.
- Adam is going to make an offering for the people of Israel
- This was confusing to Israel until Ezekiel 1: 26 “a man figure with the appearance of a man(Adam) seated on the throne of God.
- Now the Jewish people are waiting for an Messiah in the form of Adam to come and make an offering for them.
- 1 Corinthians 15: 47 The first Adam is from the earth, earthly; the second Adam is from heaven
- Jesus brought a sacrifice—His own precious soul to God for all Israel Hebrews 1: 3, 4
3. The offering
- It shall be a burned offering (olah)
- Only sacrifice with no benefit for the one offering it.
- It is totally consumed by the fire and nothing is left.
- Olah symbolizes a complete and selfless giving over to God.
- Messiah fulfills this first role of Olah. He lived a life totally submitted to the will of His father.
- It shall ascend as an aroma to the Lord Vs 9
- John 6: 62 What then if you see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before? Yeshua is the one who ascends he told Nicodemus.
- Male without defect Vs 3
- Vs 4 It makes atonement for the person before they enter the door of the tabernacle. It creates an ability to enter the presence of God.
- It makes atonement for the person entering the presence of God.
- You shall offer all of it. Vs 9
- this is also the wording used for Abraham when he offered Isaac not he altar.
- All of it must be offered to the Lord Genesis 22: 2
- A substitute offering was made for Isaac
- Now a bull is offered for the people
- The bull could not remove guilt Hebrews 10: 1 – 3
4. The New Covenant
- Sacrifices reminded them of their guilt Hebrews 10: 3
- Ten commandments were not a goal, but a showing that we could not even keep 10
- We live in the Old Covenant when we try to keep up our appearances of what God wants for us instead of what Christ did for us.
- We are by nature fixers of our problems.
- Elijah when running stated I am no better than my fathers
- Promise of a New covenant Hebrews 10: 16, 17
- We can enter because of the blood of Jesus Vs 19, 20
- Just as the first sacrifice at the door comes and creates a way for us to enter the Tabernacle
- If we can’t stand by Jesus alone then the only thing Jesus saved on the cross was the lives of a bunch of sheep and goats
- Believe the works of God.
- John 6: 28, 29 works to singular work
- Destroy the work of God by our rules Romans 14: 20
- Nick Cassidy Law and grace with grades. punish until you get better. I will not let you fail. I will empower you and make sure you succeed.