1.Moses on the Mountain
- While Moses was receiving the plans for the tabernacle, the people wandered from God and built an idol out of gold
- This gold was to be used for the tabernacle, but they gave it to worthless things
- God was ready to destroy them, but Moses was raised up for this moment
- He asked God to spare the children of Israel and go with them to the promised land
- God said he would not go with them, but he would go with Moses because his “favor” rested on him.
- Favor and Grace are the same words in Hebrew
- Moses stated that he wanted God’s grace on all the people.
- If you grace is on me and I am going with the people, then go with us all.
2.The Cry
- Show me Your glory 33: 18
- Show me who you really are.
- We can be in someone’s presence and enjoy their company, but still not know who they really are.
- Moses wanted to understand his character.
- How does the infinite reveal himself to finite creates.
- Some believe that the reason he angels in Isaiah 6 are crying Holy, Holy, Holy, is that they are seeing another glimpse of God’s holiness.
- In the context of Moses interceding, God is going to reveal characteristics that have to do with intercession.
- Thirteen Attributes Exodus 34: 6, 7
3. The Lord Vs 6
- Lord (HaShem) implies God’s unchanging character.
- in burning bush, I will be as I will be. Exodus 3: 14
- I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, Who is and who was and who is to come the Almighty. Revelation 1: 8
- Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13: 8
4. The Lord the Lord Vs 6
- Words repeated for emphasis.
- I do not change, I Am the same for all time to each person.
4. The Lord, the Lord God.
- God Elohim
- Judge over all creation
- One with whom all creation is accountable
- Because the first two names represent the willingness to give mercy, he is showing that as judge, he can give mercy
- I cannot forgive another crime, the judicial system has to do that
- Jesus is the glory of our great God(judge) and Savior (g9ver of mercy Titus 2: 13
5. Compassionate Vs 6
- Compassionate is closely related to word for womb.
- God declares His mother-like affection for His creatures.
- Jesus was many times moved with compassion for others around him.
6. Gracious
- Gracious and favor being the same words.
- Grace and truth revealed through Jesus the Messiah John 1: 17
- True measure of grace expressed through Jesus 2 Timothy 1: 9, 10
6. Slow to Anger
- Slow nosed
- In Hebrew, to grow angry means to have a hot nose. God’s nose does not grow angry quickly.
- Jesus is patient with others so salvation can come to them. 2 Peter 3: 14
7. Abounding in loving kindness Vs 7
- Chesed or covenant devotion to another.
- Jesus was God’s chased toward mankind and God demonstrated his chased toward Jesus by raising Him from the dead.
- Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, who according to His great (chesed) has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah from the dead. 1 Peter 1: 3
8. Abounding in Truth Vs 7
- The Lord abounds in truth. God never renege on His promises.
- Because he is truth, we can trust his grace and mercy.
- Jesus came in grace and truth John 1: 17 and he came into the world to testify to the truth John 18: 37. In knowing this truth,we are set free. John : 32
9. Keeps lovingkindness for thousands. Vs 7
- Length of time of God’s chased, thousands of generations. (poetic way of saying forever)
- Ephesians 3: 21 To Him be the glory int he assembly and in the Messiah Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen
10 Forgiving Iniquity Vs 7
- Iniquity intentional, willful disobedience and evil deeds.
- Jesus lived a life of forgiveness even forging those who crucified him.
11. Forgiving transgression. Vs 7
- Transgression is rebellion or blatant disregard for God’s laws.
12. Forgiving Sin
- Sin is missing the mark. Careless or done in ignorance.
13. Cleanses for generations.
- Doesn’t the 13 attribute take away the other 12?
- Jesus took the weight of the guilt upon himself
- He cleanses rather than punishes us for our guilt.
14. Cut two more stone tablets 34: 1
- Weight of the stone tablets broke when they saw the calf.
- New tablets he ascended back up the mountain 34: 4
- When he descended, he radiated the glory of God. 34: 29
- Sin destroyed the tablets (law) made it weighty and unable to fulfill. When we ascend, the veil is taken away and we go from glory to glory.
- The new glory surpasses the glory of the old covenant 2 Corinthians 3: 10