This year is ending in style. We have a wonderful Christmas Program on December 12th, and a Christmas Eve Service on December 24th. All month we have the building decorated and carols playing. But what about 2022? It is important to start everything by giving your first fruits to God. For this reason, from January 2nd to February 10th all Harvestime campuses are participating in 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting. It is not an easy thing to give up food, social media, streaming services, or whatever you feel called to give up, but that time and brief discomfort is in the Bible as a way to get closer to God. He speaks to us. It builds character in us.

There are several aspects to these intentional 40 days. First, every day at 7am there will be a devotional released led by one of our staff members–each one about 90 seconds long. You can begin your day with an element to focus on. Second, there are three worship nights that are offered:

Sun. 1/2 at HTC Chippewa
Sun. 1/30 at HTC Eau Claire
Sun. 2/13 at HTC South

We hope to see you at one or all of them as your schedule allows. 

Lastly, in the middle of the 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting, we have a week of 24/7 Prayer. from January 16th-23rd You have the opportunity to be a large role in this! We need everyone to prayerfully consider signing up for an hour slot to pray on this spreadsheet. Set an alarm on your phone to make sure you put time aside to pray for that hour. We are hoping to get everyone in on this, so if you see a time that you would like to pray and it is already taken, that’s ok! Jolt your name in the same box and pray at the same time. The prayer time that you choose can be carried out at home or wherever you are at that time. 

Keep an eye on your HTC Weekly for more details as the time approaches. We are excited to take this journey along with you!