Core Values
"…I came so they can have real and eternal life."John 10: 10 (MSG)
God has a plan for you, and it is good. We are all about loving others and taking the good word across oceans, but a close relationship with Christ has to be the foundation of your life in order to do His work successfully. It gives you strength. It opens closed doors. It roots you in eternal life. Jesus was thinking of you when he said this—but what does it actually mean to have “REAL life”?
We take the verse John 10:10 and use it as the charge for Harvestime Church. Jesus was teaching the people following Him that His "sheep" would know His voice; He is the gate for them to go and pasture. Jesus says that although the thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy, He came so that we would have real and eternal life!
“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, ‘“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”’” Matthew 22:36-39 (NLT) – In the Bible, this is the number one commandment from Jesus. We need to have a genuine love for each of our neighbors as we love ourselves, as well as a total uncontainable love for our Christ.
Missions are defined as having a personal calling to spread your faith, either here in the local areas or across the globe. We support over 100 missionaries and programs throughout the world with 20% or more of all money coming in from donations, tithes, and offerings. If you are wanting to get involved in exploring the world, seeing different cultures, and leading them towards the love of God, we can plug you in!
But that is not where this ends. As a believer, we all have our part to play in our homes and at our jobs in ministering to those around us. Consider those places your mission field.
Active Faith
Sunday and/or Wednesday services are great–those are times where you become equipped to go out and share the good news! We enjoy the camaraderie and community we have built together by learning and growing from our church pastors.
But also Harvestime Church is what happens between the lines. You are the church–and what you do when church service lets out is important. Grab a hold of the faith God has instilled in you and change the world!
Life Change
God works through the willing, and as He works He morphs and changes you to be more like Jesus. You do not have to be perfect, in fact Jesus did not come for the “healthy”, he came for the “sick”.
If you are thinking, “What do I need to change in my life to make God love me?” The answer is nothing! If you believe in God, and that He sent His Son, Jesus, to come to earth, live, and die for your sins then you have been redeemed! His goodness begins a process in you from then on. Your life morphs and changes to reflect the person you are becoming in Christ; the life change that may seem unattainable is already being worked out inside you. “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT)
Just about every church has an overarching community they partner with.
We warmly invite you to learn more about the values that make Harvestime unique from other churches in the Chippewa Valley, and also explore how your gifts fit into the church.
Sign up for a Discovery Class today.
A place for everyone
From children to adulthood, there is a place you belong and for your children to learn at their level. Church is more than just a morning service!
Life Groups
Connections are a huge part about being a healthy church body. Life Groups provide a chance for you to “do life together” with other Christians.
Kingdom Builders
Be a part of sharing the gospel with people around the world. Whether giving to "Kingdom Builders" to fund our missionaries, to going on a trip yourself—there are many ways to be involved!