The words that we speak carry a lot of power whether good or bad. Listen in on today’s sermon as we learn about blessings and how we can bless the people around us through our words and our actions.
Ten:Two | Favor or Foe
God appointed many people in the Bible who were undeserving of His grace. Though they had lived a life of sin, their simple yes to the Lord allowed Him to do amazing things through them for his Kingdom. We can do the same today.
Ten:Two | The Sickle
The Lord has plans to harvest those who believe in him so that they may go out and plant seeds in the hearts of people who have never heard the Gospel of Christ. How is the Lord sending you out in your walk with Him?
Ten:Two | Vision
Listen in on our new series of 2025 that revolves around the passage Luke 10:2.
Root & Fruit | Change & Treasure
Looking into the story of Christmas we can see how changes play out in Mary’s life when she had Jesus. Even when she experienced these changes, she trusted in the Lord’s plan and treasured His son.
Miraculous Love: Walking in Truth and Love | Pastor Karl Hanson
Pastor Karl leads us through what it looks like to walk with God fully in truth and grace. How can you walk reflect God’s love to lead others to His mercy?
Root & Fruit | The Feast of Tabernacles
This Sunday, Pastor Kim brings a new message about The Feast of Tabernacles and its significance to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christmas Family Service | The Weary World Rejoices
We are hosting our annual Family Christmas Service, where there are special features from all generations proclaiming the goodness of God and the gift of His Son, Jesus. Shout it from the rooftops—Jesus Christ is born!
Miraculous Love: Designed by Love, Destined to Shine (Part 1)
Beginning a new series called ‘Miraculous Love,’ Pastor Karl walks us through God’s greatest commandments to love Him and love each other. What does that look like?
Root & Fruit | He Is Able to Supply
Putting trust in God creates a strong foundation for our relationship with Him. When life becomes unpredictable it can be easy to rely on things that are in our realm of control, but God ultimately knows what we truly need and asks us to lean on Him for his provision.
Communicating with the Creator | Pastor Karl Hanson
What does God’s voice sound like? In the midst of life’s chaos, are you able to be still and focus on His voice speaking to you? Pastor Karl walks through some helpful steps in order to tune into what He’s saying.