Our Leadership

Harvestime Eau Claire
Pastor Kim & his wife, Jenny

Kim Buckman

Senior Pastor • Campus Pastor • [email protected]

Pastor Kim and his wife, Jenny, moved to Eau Claire to head-up Harvestime in 2005. He has a passion for Biblical history and applying it to the modern world.

Pastor Kyle Ruud and wife

Kyle Ruud

Young Adult Pastor • Life Group Director • [email protected]

Pastor Kyle and his wife, Karli, started at Harvestime as the youth pastor in 2010. He loves when students have those "ah-ha" moments–the time God reveals His love for them.

Pastor Kyle Ruud and wife

Alison Amelse

Children • HTC University [email protected]

Pastor Alison and her husband, Rob, moved to Eau Claire to lead the kid's ministry in 2010. In kid's min, she loves that she and her leaders are the ones that get to introduce an eternal soul to an eternal Savior.

Pastor Kyle Ruud and wife

Owen McCauley

Youth Pastor [email protected]

Pastor Kim & his wife, Jenny

Jonny Stoll

Worship Minister • [email protected]

Pastor Kim & his wife, Jenny

Alyssa Thoms

Executive Administrator • Host Team Director • [email protected]

Alyssa started at Harvestime in 2015. She and her husband, Adam, enjoy creating a seamless, distraction-free environment where people can come learn and worship.

Marilyn Vaupel

Jennah Holo

Missions Director • [email protected]

Jennah has an incredible passion for missionary work as she was a missionary herself with Overland Missions for several years.

Marilyn Vaupel

Marilyn Vaupel

Bookkeeper • [email protected]

Marilyn was added to the team in 2012. She is a great asset to the team!

Marilyn Vaupel

Lydia Dillaman

Children's Administrator • [email protected]

Lydia lives in Altoona with her family and one dog. She enjoys seafood, drawing, doing crafty things and guitar (music). When choosing coffee or tea, Lydia says coffee! One of Lydia's bucket list items is to see LaLa Land with a live orchestra.

Marilyn Vaupel

Tracy Brown

HarvestCare Director • [email protected]

Tracy and her husband Dana reside in Fall Creek and have three biological adult children and two foster loves. One of Tracy's bucket list items is to hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains. If your wanting to meet up with Tracy for coffee, just know she prefers cream with a little coffee ;).

Harvestime Bloomer
Dan & Beth McCauley

Dan McCauley

Campus Pastor • [email protected]

Dan McCauley is a family pastor, alongside his wife, Beth! Pastor Dan has been apart of the Chippewa Falls campus since the launch in 2017. Dan is a licensed pastor with the Assemblies of God. Dan & Beth love seeing families grow closer and pursue God together.

Dan & Beth McCauley

Beth McCauley

Campus Pastor • [email protected]

Beth McCauley is a family pastor, alongside her husband, Dan! She loves seeing kids grow in their knowledge of who God is. She is a licensed pastor with the Assemblies of God. She is married to her 7th grade boyfriend, is a mom of 5, loves quiet time, and screaming toes is her favorite game! She encourages you to find God in your everyday. He’s always there even when you don’t see Him.

Harvestime South
Pastor Adam Norlander

Adam Norlander

Lead Campus Pastor • [email protected]

JoLynn Norlander

JoLynn Norlander

Worship Director • [email protected]

Hannah Buckman

Lori Lowenhagen

Office Administrator • [email protected]

Lori and her husband, Kyle, helped plant the Harvestime Church South branch, and she is now honored to serve as the church administrator. She has a heart for  helping people feel the love of Christ, discipleship, and encouraging others in their faith.

Hannah Buckman

Dominic Robinson

Youth Pastor • [email protected]




Hannah Buckman

Hezekiah Christman

Youth Pastor • [email protected]




Karlan Brunner

Karlan Brunner

Children's Pastor • [email protected]

Karlan has a passion to see kids encounter their Savior and for them to develop a relationship with Him.

Dan George

Dan George


Tammy Drinkman

Tammy Drinkman

Children's Assistant

Harvestime Tiempo de Cosechar
Marilyn Vaupel

Sergio Velazquez

Pastor del Campus • [email protected]

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."Mark 10:45


Ever wondered what the church board is and who is on it? We have two different types of boards: Elders and Deacons. The church’s Elder Board are church-elected individuals who function as spiritual leaders in all matters pertaining to the church. They are spirit-filled and hold mature Christian experience, knowledge, and wisdom. Elders, who are called by God to be spiritual leaders (Romans 12:8), serve with diligence and shepherd over God’s people. They are to seek the will of God in all matters, to be led by the Spirit, and above all follow the admonition of the Word (Acts 20:17-32, 1 Timothy 5:17-20, 3:1-7).

Kim Buckman
Adam Norlander
Karl Hanson
Sergio Velazquez
Scott Bernette
Jim Johnston
Pat Couture
Kyle Loewenhagen
Matt Frisinger


The Board of Deacons (or the ‘trustees’) are servants to the church and Elder board in the day-to-day, practical, and social cares of the church, thus freeing the Elders to give themselves to the ministry of the word and prayer. There is a separate Deacon Board for each campus in order to tend to the practical needs of that campus.

Kim Buckman
James Appel
Steve Frisinger

Adam Norlander
Diane Hays
Dan George
James Sheldon

Sergio Velazquez