Pastor Appreciation Month

Leading as Shepherds Praise God for our pastors’ leadership and pray that they will make godly decisions. Pray that they will lead with shepherds’ hearts and that they will always speak the truth in love.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Trusting God in Conflict Pray that our pastors will not give in to discouragement, but will deal with inevitable criticism and conflict by committing themselves into the hands of God, who judges righteously.

Pastor Appreciation Month

A Fresh Anointing Pray for a fresh divine anointing on our pastors’ ministries. Pray that God’s works will be powerfully evident both in their personal lives and the spiritual lives of the congregation.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Using Time Wisely Pray that our pastors will use wise time management and that they will seek God’s perspective for their schedules, guarding their time against unnecessary interruptions.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Prayer & Worship Pray that our pastors will be men and women of prayer and worship and that they will lead by example—teaching the congregation how to walk in a close relationship with the Father.

Pastor Appreciation Month

The Great Commission Pray that our pastors will commit to personal evangelism and the equipping of the saints to seek the lost.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Unity Pray that God would use our pastors how  He desires and that the congregation would pursue the vision with their own spiritual gifts.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Protection From Evil Pray for our pastors to have protection from the attacks of the enemy. That the Lord would keep them from all harm.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Fearing God Pray that our pastors will focus on the Word of God and walk in the fear of the Lord rather than the fear of man as they prepare their messages. Pray that they will seek to please God rather than men and pursue holiness rather than the praise of men.

Pastor Appreciation Month

Keeping a Balanced Life Lord, help our pastors to make wise choices that will protect their health, and give them times of relaxation and rest for the renewal of their minds.