Definition: reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.

Origin: 1640s, “vindicatory, containing a defense,” from French apologétique, from Latin apologeticus, from Greek apologetikos “defensible,” from apologeisthai “speak in one’s defense,” from apologos “an account, story,”
1 Peter 3: 15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
As a youth pastor, this verse a lot to me and the youth ministry.  The reasons for this are because of statistics like these: “Recently, the Barna Group reported on the spiritual involvement of twenty-somethings. The findings: only 20 percent of students who were highly churched as teens remained spiritually active by age 29 (summit.org).” “In another study, the College Student Survey asked students to indicate their current religious commitment.  Comparing the responses of freshmen who checked the ‘born again’ category with the answers they gave four years later, we find that on some campuses as high as 59 percent no longer describe themselves as ‘born again.’  That’s a fallout rate of almost two-thirds (summit.org)!”  I understand that statistics are not a 100% accurate, however, even 1% is too many leaving their faith.
So, what can we do?
According to 1 Peter 3: 15, always be prepared to give an answer respectfully for the reason of your hope.  It is our goal to give students tools to help give them an answer to some of the tough questions in life.  For many students that go to college they are introduced to new ways thinking where christianity isn’t a popular belief anymore but, instead, is looked down upon and often thought of as ignorant.
One of the tools that I believe points to a creator is something called the “cosmological constants” (featured in the video above.)  It is an idea on how fine-tuned some of the constants are in our world and universe (i.e. gravity, expansion rate, etc.)
It kinda hurts your head a little bit. Gravitational constant points to God.  The mass to energy ratio points to God.  Creation seems scientifically more probable.
They see the fingerprints of God in the universe, the single cell, and the bible as a whole.
In your own life, whether you are in school or in your career, in charge of a company or your family.  Be ready with answers for the hope that you have in Jesus.