Summer of Psalms | Psalm 91 (pt.2)
In Psalm 91 we can learn the importance of holding on to God’s promises in scripture. If we have trust in The Lord like He asked the Israelites to have, he will empower us in our times of trouble.
Root & Fruit | All In
Our River Baptism is today! We are looking at the importance of baptism and what is means.
Summer of Psalms | Psalm 91 (Pt. 1)
In Psalm 91 we can learn the importance of holding on to God’s promises in scripture. If we have trust in The Lord like He asked the Israelites to have, he will empower us in our times of trouble.
Summer of Psalms | Psalm 51
The Lord calls us into daily repentance in our lives. When we can identify our sins and humble ourselves before God like David did in Psalm 51, He will redeem us and we can receive the gift He graciously provides to all who repent; Forgiveness.
Summer of Psalms | Psalm 23
Psalm 23 gives us a glimpse of Davids mind as he fled from his enemies. Even while he was hiding from danger, he turned to the Lord and sang songs of praise to Him. When we find ourselves mixed in the cycles of life, who do we turn to?
Joshua: God Honors His Promise | Pastor Karl Hanson
In the conclusion to the Joshua series, Pastor Karl walks through how God honors his promise when we fully submit to Him
Parable of the Sower | Pastors Beth & Dan McCauley
Treating you with a double-dose of the Word, Pastors Beth & Dan bring a message on the 4 types of soil and how it applies to our walk with God.
The Summer of Psalms | Prelude (Pt. 3)
While the book of Psalms provides numbers of songs filled with joy and praise, there are also many that go through a time of sorrow. Understanding the times in which these were written can provide us with a new perspective of being honest with God and trusting that he will carry us through the difficult times in our lives.