Expect means to look forward to; to regard as likely to happen
Psalm 119: 126 It is time for the Lord to move.
God will move through yielded people who submit to His will.
EXAMPLE: Jesus was born miraculously, but God used Mary to make it happen.
1. God’s Moves Start Small
God had a plan for Abraham…
- Become a great nation
- Bless the whole world through him
- Show Himself to Abraham as his great reward and shield
- Make him incredibly brave so that he would attack 4 kings and defeat them.
Rather than move into his inheritance, Abraham settled in Haran which means land of little fruit.
People don’t desire to spend their lives in the place of little fruit, we all want to receive all God has for us, but we fall short.
John 15: 8 When you produce much fruit you are my true disciples, this brings great glory to my Father.
It was not about Abraham becoming a great man, it was about God getting glory.
2. How God produces a harvest
Vs 5 God’s servants = raising dust by hastening. We are just dust which is empowered by God
Vs 6 Paul planted seed (According to Mark 4 the seed is the word of God or Bible)
Paul spent 1 1/2 years in Corinth (See Acts 18)
Paul preached, but Apollos watered.
God is the one who makes it grow.
Vs 7, 8 It doesn’t matter who does the planting and watering both will be rewarded for their good work
Vs 9 We are God’s workers, God’s tilled field, God is the architect and we build what he has already planned.
3. God’s plan for fruit.
Ephesians 2: 10 We are God’s masterpiece. he has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
Masterpiece = renewed moral and spiritual creation in Christ.
Created = changed
Do = walk
- Regulate ones life. (Spiritual disciplines)
- Conduct ones life (outward sign of inward disciplines)
- Progress made
4. Breath of God.
God created works for us to do.
The Holy Spirit is a creating spirit. One name for the Holy Spirit is Breathe which is used 800 times.
God will breath upon us and new birth will be formed in our lives.
It is time for God to move.