1. Family Mountaintops.

Mark 9 Jesus on the mountain top and the glory of God comes down. Moses and Elijah meet with him and they walk down the mountain. Fight happening as a boy is demon possessed.

EXAMPLE: living by grand canyon, not wowed everyday, but learn to live by it and appreciate what we have.

On the other hand there are some things we can do to live out peace in the house.

  • Wives and husbands kiss each other and the children see that you love each other
  • Let the family see you praying and reading the Bible
  • We are trying to live out Christianity rather than using bible verses to beat them over the head
  • We are a living sermon in front of our children
  • The goal is not outward obedience, we want a heart change.

In the story of the prodigal son, the children still left and wandered. Lost on a path of destruction and hell.

2. There are Spiritual Attacks that happen against a family

Mark 9: 14 – 27

Ephesians 6: 12 For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers int his dark world, and against spirits in the heavenly places.

There are spiritual attacks that are intent on destroying our families

The result of the spiritual attack is an argument between the the disciples and teachers of the law about what to do. The problem is that the boy that is possessed is not being helped.

3. Answer for the family

1. Overwhelmed with awe Vs 15

Awe = terror and thoroughly astounded

God about to do something that will amaze and astound us.

Talked a few weeks ago how God will Amaze and perplex us by what He is about to do.

God is too small if we are never awed or perplexed

Ephesians 3: 20 Now God who is able through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

2. Cry to the father

Vs 17 The father answered Jesus about his son

Vs 22 it turns desperate

Key Point: God responds to our cry.

Mark 10: 46 – 48 Jesus turned and heard Bartimaeus

Psalm 18: 6 In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, even to His ears

Psalm 56: 8 Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?

3. Pray the solution not the problem

Mark 10: 51 What do you want me to do for you?

Vs 52 blind and real issues with my family. Can’t hold down a job because I can’t see.

He did not speak the problem, he prayed the solution. I want to see.

EXAMPLE: We can pray that Christ is formed in the lives of our children. You have created works in advance for them and may they not fall short of those works. This is more important than lifiting up the problems that our children are involved in.

4. Have faith rather than fear

Mark 9: 19 Another cry that is not faith but despair. Disciples in the sinking boat, Jesus save us.

What God is doing in others to build your own faith not to bring spite to you.

EXAMPLE: Mark 5: Jairus and little girl dieing stops to heal a woman sick for 12 years, This is to build our own faith for our own miracle. It is not to spite us.

5. God understands our heart.

Vs 22 – 24 I do believe help my unbelief.

Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

We don’t start the battle because we are not sure we can win the war. Christ has won the war 2000 years ago on the cross. Satan has been made a public spectacle and exposed for who he is.

Unbelief laid at the feet of Jesus will bring us our personal victory.

6. Don’t trust circumstances, trust Jesus

Vs 26 Violent convulsion and then died.

We are never beyond the possibility that Jesus can do something.

EXAMPLE: Jesus and Lazarus 4 days dead still not too far gone for Jesus to do a work

  1. Come to the Father with Awe
  2. God hears your cry
  3. Pray the solution
  4. Have faith rather than fear
  5. God understands our heart
  6. Don’t trust circumstances