Mark 12: 28 What is the most important commandment? Loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. If we can grasp what this means, we are not living far from the kingdom of God.
- Heart = passion
- Mind = curiosity
1. The Brain.
The brain is an incredible thing which has amazing abilities to grow and learn. Just a couple of web sites to explore this deeper and still deeper
unfortunately 42% of college students never read another book.
One person said that continuing to learn is one thing that separates us from the animals.
2. Worshipping What we do not Know
The samaritians were rebuked for worshiping god out of a lack of knowledge of Him (See John 4: 22) We are commanded to worship God in Spirit and Truth. John 4: 24
Curiosity breaks boredom in our desire to worship and know God.
A. First commandment tells us to fill the earth and multiply Genesis 1: 28 This means Adam and Eve were to leave the garden and explore the whole earth.
Oliver Wendelll Holmes “A mind stretched by anew idea never returns to its original shape.
B. Quit Auditing God
Auditing is when you take a class and don’t have to do any of the work to pass it.
James 1: 22 – 25 do not merely listen to the word, do what it says.
C. Ask God to reveal Himself to us through His Word.
Habakkuk 2: 1 climb watch tower and stand at my guard post I will wait to see what the Lord says.
We need a watchtower or place where we can escape to hear from God and have him speak to us through his word.
Key Point: We have to get to a place where good is not good enough.