With dedications happening today, I thought it would be a good time to define what that means in our lives whether it is children or not.


  1. Paul’s position


2 Timothy 1: 12 “That is why I am suffering here in prison. But I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of His return”


We have showed a video of Paul in prison and what that looked like.

Now Paul is at the end of his life and he knows he will die at the hands of Nero just because he is a preacher, apostle, and teacher of the good news.


When circumstances happen like this, it is a time to reflect on life and what is really happening in our lives.


Basically what to do when your circumstances and what we know about God don’t line up.


2. Paul knows.


I know


Cry of his life from Philippians on has been, I want to know Him…


Seek His face and want to know Him but evidence of this is really portrayed in three ways.


  1. Know what we believe (molded from Old Testament law to message of Grace)
  2. Know whom we believe in (Fought  against Jesus killing others)
  3. When these become a fact of our lives we become bold. (Real reshaping of how Paul’s life is lived among others.)


Because of this I am able to trust or believe.


sure = yielded to the fact.


3. His Eye is on us.


Guard = Keep his eye on so that it will not escape.


Discussion whether it is better to macro or micro manage economy God is into micro managing.


Matthew 10: 28 – 31 Sparrows and hairs


  1. 35 Species of Sparrows with one version having over 20 million in it.  His eye is on them and not one falls without His knowledge
  2. Person loses 70 hairs a day.  65,000 people in Eau Claire 4,690,000 hairs lost a day.


Are you not much more valuable than one of these so do not fear


4. Enemies Eye on us too.


2 Timothy 4: 15  Be careful of him, for he fought against everything we said.


Guard is in there twice.


EXAMPLE: Carter Colon Car money given away, house burned and car went down.  Chimney stood because it was tried by fire.


How tried?  His eyes are on me and I have come to the place where this has become a fact in my life.


5. Result?


I have entrusted = thing consigned to ones keeping, creating a trust.


Trust = hold my assets on behalf of another.


I give you this on behalf of others.  My life is a drink offering poured out.


What stops this?  Fear.  We bury things in our hearts. (See Matthew 25: 14 – 30)


Paul not ashamed, no regrets


6. Guard this trust


1 Timothy 6: 20 I (God) entrust this into your life.


  1. Your life empowered for others
  2. You have a knowledge of me.
  3. You are bold in your belief of me.
  4. Tried in the fire.


Avoid godless chatter which will oppose your knowledge.