- We face a foe that is against anything that God is trying to do in the world.
- He is formidable ( He was an arch angel and clothed in power)
- We can only face him armed with God’s armor.
- WE need God’s wisdom in how to deal with the devil
- Pray
Word sticks out in these verses. PRAY
- Pray in the spirit (spirit lead prayer and praying in the Holy Spirit)
- All times means three things
a) With The Holy Spirit
b) In times of Crisis
c) Collectively
3. Stay alert (sleepless)
4. persistent (depriving oneself and admitting we are in great need)
This is more than just a quiet time where we fall asleep while doing it. how does this work?
We are going to look at an example from the Old Testament and compare it to this to get some idea of how we can pray in these times that will be an encouragement to us.
2. Good times are rolling.
Uzziah is the king of Judah for 52 years and he loved God. He wasn’t perfect and had to deal with pride, but they were good years for Judah as a nation. Isaiah was the prophet at this time and during their time the people are worshipping God.
Paul in Ephesus casting out demons. People being filled with the Holy Spirit, napkins are laid on people and they are healed. People burning their witchcraft books. Good times.
3. Dark clouds on the horizon.
Uzziah dies and the future looks uncertain. Grandson is going to become king soon and he is going to seal up the temple of God so no one can enter it.
Assyria is on the horizon and it destroyed Israel and soon will be at the gates of Jerusalem surrounding it ready to destroy it.
Paul was starting churches all over asia but now he is in jail for his faith. He is in Rome waiting to stand in front of Caesar not knowing his future. Not only that, he is hearing about a false teaching that could destroy the church in Colossai and he is powerless to do anything about it.
How the church (Isaiah and Paul) react during this time of a dark future of uncertainty is vital for us today.
4. Vision of Heaven
Isaiah 6 the year king Uzziah died, Isaiah had a vision of heaven.
Heard so many sermons on this let me summarize it as a change of perspective in Isaiah’s life.
Isaiah thought it was all over yet from our perspective of Isaiah, His ministry is just starting as he has 60 more chapters to go.
Isaiah 60: 1, 2Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, BUT the glory of the LORD rises and appears over you.
Isaiah ” I’ve seen it and I know that no matter how dark it is, I have seen my God”
5. Small things big changes.
Paul is in prison and wondering about the church in Colossi. A runaway slave comes to him named Onesimus becomes a christian. Paul says that you have to return to your master Philemon. I will write a letter to him. On the way, you will have to pass through Ephesus and Colossi, would you drop a couple of letters off for me?
Only God would come up with an idea like that to give us letters that we study from and grow to know him.
It is worth it in this battle to:
- Pray in the spirit (spirit lead prayer and praying in the Holy Spirit)
- All times means three things
a) With The Holy Spirit
b) In times of Crisis
c) Collectively
3. Stay alert (sleepless)
4. persistent (depriving oneself and admitting we are in great need)
6. One more thing.
Paul did not ask them to pray this way so he would be set free from prison, but he asked them to pray for him to…HAVE BOLDNESS TO SHARE THE FAITH AS HE SHOULD.
Isaiah saw the glory of God and then heard a question. WHO WILL GO?
Here an I send me
Not over yet Isaiah, I need a prophetic voice in this generation.
Next chapter Isaiah is coming to Ahaz who shut down the temple, now surrounded by the great army Assyria. They are as good as gone you don’t need to fear them Ahaz because our God is great. Immanuel God with us
They may not listen to you, but you need to go out and share because our great God in whom we serve.