40 Days of Fasting & Prayer | Day 8

As watchmen for Christ, He has asked us to stand firm in our watchtower. This could mean where you work, at home with your family, out with your friends. We are supposed to be strong in our beliefs and stand guard for Him. Devotional by Pastor Karl Hanson (Chippewa Falls Campus)

Combatting Warfare

Blessings on a Home (John Kilpatrick Ministries) Anoint the doorposts and top of door posts, symbolizing the covering of the Blood of Jesus. I pronounce that the (Name) family are overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. In the Bedroom: I pronounce blessings of restful sleep. Psalm 3:5 KJV “I laid me down and… Continue reading Combatting Warfare

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting | Day 6

As we look in the old testament, David is a great example of how God can overcome even at the hardest times. Everything pointed to his failure against his battle with Goliath, and that failure actually meant death. He stood with all he had on the line–and he won. Devotional by Lori Lowenhagen (HTC South Campus)

Worship & Prayer Nights UPDATE!

We had a few updates with our Worship & Prayer events coming up corresponding to the 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting. The Eau Claire Campus event will now be right after the business meeting–after second service. For the Progress & Praise Meeting at about 12:30pm, we will be voting (details TBA) and therefore will need a quorum. Whether it be at… Continue reading Worship & Prayer Nights UPDATE!

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting | Day 5

Who is the real hero? We are expected to stand against the enemy, but God is always the victor through the blood of Jesus. Devotional by Pastor Kyle Ruud (HTC Eau Claire Campus)

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting | Day 4

On day 4 of our 40 Day Prayer & Fasting, we are focusing on standing for the widows and orphans. There are so many hardships in many of their homes and lives, we want to stand in prayer for them! Devotional by Pastor Kyle Ruud (HTC Eau Claire Campus)

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting | Day 3

This day’s video is a little different. Find a quiet place to sit and meditate on the verses you will read. Ask God to prepare your heart and reveal more of his character to you. Devotional by Pastor Kyle Ruud