Sharing a Shadow

Sharing a Shadow Kim Peek. He was born Nov. 11, 1951.  For most people that name doesn’t mean a whole lot.  However, Kim Peek is an extraordinary individual. He was described as living Google.  His life was far from easy — in fact, when he was born with disabilities. Kim was born with, macrocephaly — damage to the cerebellum and… Continue reading Sharing a Shadow

It All Changed At The Well

“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”  (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans). Jesus answered her,… Continue reading It All Changed At The Well

Cars 3

Have you ever seen watched a movie that just left you speechless at the end? One that you could immediately watch again, that would go down in history as a classic?? The other night our family watched one of those movies. One that I am proud to own and will watch many times over. Which movie is it you ask??… Continue reading Cars 3


It was the worst Sunday I have had in a long time. It was one of those mornings where from the moment my morning alarm rang, the day seemed to be a mess. Late getting ready, arguing with family, little details not coming together – it was just one of those days where nothing seemed right and I wanted to… Continue reading Distractions

Speaking of Michael Phelps

Did you know you were a great swimmer? Well, half of you at least.  Let me clarify. I recently had my 3rd child.   Our third boy!  I will let that sink in. After bringing him home from the hospital, I began to think about the miracle of human life.   It starts with a race of single cells known… Continue reading Speaking of Michael Phelps

The Source

The Source Every year in January I see churches all over the world, including ours, set aside a time for fasting as we head in to the new year. And each year I ask myself the question of what my fast will be. Some years I pick food, others social media, or TV. But this year as we went in… Continue reading The Source

Call to Fast

At the beginning of the New Year, it is common for churches to call their people to a corporate fast.  Well we are joining that movement and asking people to fast with us for 10 days.  The questions may emerge, “What is a fast and why should I do it?  There are people who have written books on the subject… Continue reading Call to Fast

Greater Things

Did you ever have one of those friends who could listen to a song on repeat a million times and never grow tired of it, but it drives everyone else crazy? I am that friend. I don’t get tired of songs easily and when I like a new song, it is the only one on in my car for weeks… Continue reading Greater Things

Mighty Mouse and the Church

“Mighty Mouse” was a cartoon character from the 40’s that also played on CBS morning cartoons in the 60’s.  The show consisted to various mice being imperiled by “evil cats”.  Usually more than half way through the cartoon, Mighty Mouse would appear to “save the day”.  I really don’t remember too much about the cartoons, but the theme song has… Continue reading Mighty Mouse and the Church