1. The Eternal Reign of Jesus Christ 24 – 28
  1. No real mention of those outside of belief in Jesus
    1. The focus is on those who have relationship with Jesus
    2. Paul is trying to show the power of the resurrection and what that means for our future
  2. All powers judged is for believers
    1. Even judgement is for believers because Jesus is destroying the power of sin over our lives
      1. Jesus will put down or make idle the powers that try to rule over our lives.
    2. They no longer have an influence over our lives.
    3. What good would it be to raise believers only to see them still suffer under the powers of sin and death.
  3. There is a raising of unbelievers, but this is part of justice where believers are honored for their belief in Jesus and His work on the cross.
  4. Jesus will deliver the kingdom to the Father
    1. Jesus given all authority by the Father (See Matthew 28: 18)
    2. Jesus is Lord over all creation so he cannot turn that over
    3. He is turning over the completed work of salvation that he paid for by shedding His blood.
      1. Jesus is not power hungry and willingly gives this over to the father.
  5. At this time not all things have been put under His feet. (See Hebrews 2: 8)
    1. We stay focused on Him who is invisible Hebrews 11: 27
    2. Lift up hands that hang down and feeble knees Hebrews 12: 12
  6. Jesus will put down all rulers, authority, and powers
    1. These things continue to rise up so there are spiritual forces behind them.
    2. Rule = mind will, hatred of all governing forces.
    3. authority = Idea of beginning or being first
    4. Powers = always linked with authority.  Dominion over an area, able to take action.
  7. What satan meant for bad, God turned it around for good. Genesis 50: 20
  8. He must reign until all enemies put under his feet
    1. He is not in heaven suffering defeats until he comes back and wins
    2. He is reigning now and will ultimately defeat evil
    3. EXAMPLE: power of sin in addicts lives destroyed by Jesus and they are set free
    4. EXAMPLE: like vapor that is int he air.  When the right conditions come it materializes in fog or clouds.  Always there but not always visible.
    5. King is not elected, he rules by birthright.  So this is not a new reign, but the continuation of his reigning over all creation.
    6. Cross did not stop Christ reign.  (John 10: 18 I have the power to lay my life down and take it up again)
  9. It is hidden to us why God would allow evil and good to coexist on the earth at this time
    1. We are called to love others and set them free from bondage of sin
      1. We are not the ones who will do the triumphing, Christ will reign
      2. We can hate the evil works that are being done on the earth.
    2. All enemies will be under his feet like a footstool
      1. Footstool is used from a sitting position
        1. Christ does not have to fight to destroy evil, he is seated and conquering
      2. We walk by faith trusting in him.  Whom having not seen, you love; in whom though now you see him not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. 1 PETER 1: 8
      3. EXAMPLE: we don’t go to a beautiful place because of the danger that is there.  In the same way, we miss the beauty of what is happening around us because of the focus on evil.

2. Last enemy destroyed is death.

  1. The opposite of death is resurrection.
  2. Eternal life is now available to us and is not something that is int he future.
  3. Future is a new body reunited with a resurrected spirit.

3. All things under his feet

  1. He will not only put his enemies under his feet, but all creation will be subject to Jesus.
  2. There is an order to how the enemies will be dealt with
  3. We will be subject to him and give an account.
    1. 2 Corinthians 5: 10 For we will all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in, according to that he has done whether it be good or bad.
      1. This is not just a judgement of works that we have allowed the Holy Spirit to do through us but also our attitude toward Jesus Christ.