Talked two weeks ago about some of the gifts of leadership given to the church.
Question: can we go around calling people by their gifts?
Yes, but for what purpose? This can really lead to a place of pride in our lives.
The word for leader is only used 7 times in the Hebrew and Greek.
The call of leadership is to serve those under you.
- James 3: 1 not many of you strive to become teachers for you will come under more strict judgment.
- 2 Timothy 3: 1 People will only go to teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear.
- Hebrews 5: 12 you have been believers so long you ought to be teaching,
1. Paul defends his apostleship 3 – 14
- Paul is answering questions that people are using to challenge his authority. 3 – 6
- Right to make a living off preaching
- Right to have a wife
- Paul and Barnabas worked at a trade while evangelizing. (tentmakers)
- Right means power of choice.
- Paul illustrates his argument 7, 8
- Soldier is taken care of
- Farmer eats from his vineyard
- Shepherd takes from his flock
- Paul quotes the Pentateuch Vs 9
- Deuteronomy 25: 4
- This was not just talking about animals. God cares about people.
- We each have a job to do in the kingdom Vs 10
- some plow
- Some bring in the harvest.
1. We enjoy the harvest but no one likes plowing
- Paul plowed among the Corinthians Vs 11, 12
- Idea here is that they are seeing some incredible things happen and the leaders now are saying if Paul was spiritual, he would have lead you into this.
- There is no need to support Paul in the work he is doing in other places because of this.
- Paul is saying he chose not to have them support them while he was there.
- 2 Corinthians 11: 27 I have known hunger and thirst
- Acts 20: 34 These hands have supplied my needs
- Final examples Vs 13, 14
- Temple workers get their meals from the their work
- Jesus ordered people deserve to get their pay from their work. (See Luke 10: 7)
- Paul did not accept pay because he thought it would hinder the gospel.
2. Reason for restraint Vs 15 – 18
1. Paul is answering the question about whether they should support him. Vs 15 ! 1. No supporting him is not the question.
2. Paul is pressed into preaching the gospel.
- Do anything else but preach the gospel.
- Paul is pressed not a volunteer. Vs 16
- compelled means boxed in and he has no other choice in what to do with his life.
- Paul realized he would stand under God’s judgement if he failed to preach the
- He is a bond slave and has no voice in the matter whether he is paid or not. Vs 17
- He gets joy in preaching the gospel. Vs 18
3. Paul’s policy Vs 19 – 23!
1.Man with no master is he is financially independent. Vs 19
2. Paul is not saying he is a hypocrite, but he wants to build a bridge to others 20 – 23
- to Jews, he is Kosher
- To the Gentiles, no judgement
- The emphasis is on the progress of the gospel
1. Not a freedom to sin, but on advancing the gospel.
4. Exhortation Vs 24 – 27
- Run to win the race. Vs 24
- Entering the race is not winning the race.
- ‘The reason I practice self control is because I know I am going to stand before the Lordsomeday
- We must obtain the prize = lay hold of
- Two considerations Vs 25
1. The necessity of self control
1. The necessity of training for the moment of the contest
- Failure meant disqualification
- We must let go of those things that are incompatible with the christian life
- I run “so should you is implied” Vs 26
- Have a goal in mind.
- I don’t box the air or run without a finish line.
- I discipline my body. Vs 27
- give it a lack eye because of the intensity of the workout.
- EXAMPLES: gloves in the arenas had metal in the leather which were called “limbbreakers” and this is the battle he has with himself.
- Leaders can be hard on themselves.
- I will not be disqualified.
- Found counterfeit and rejected
- Hope that he will be made right so no fear on his part. (See 1 Corinthians 10: 13)