Paul showing his sincerity and integrity
- Paul’s visit to Corinth
- There was a visit to Corinth between the two letters.
- We don’t know the purpose of the visit.
- We believe it was because of the report that Timothy gave to Paul after his visit to Corinth (See 1 Corinthians 16: 10)
- We know that Paul spent 18 months in Corinth
- Paul is saying that when he came to visit and deal with the problems, he was not trusting in earthly fleshly wisdom in what to do.
- He literally prayed for grace in how to deal with the situation in front of him
- He states that where ever he goes he lives out this grace, but it was way easier to show it in the lives of the Corinthians because of the lifestyle of the people.
- Paul is showing them that there was no hidden agenda behind what he says to them. Vs 13
- He will be accused of insincerity 10: 10
- They should be able to tell if he is genuine or not.
- When he is talking about weakness in these verses, he is not stating moral weakness, but worn out physically from the trials he is under.
- Paul is stating that the Corinthians are his glory Vs 14
- When we stand before the day of the Lord on judgement day, The Corinthians faith in Jesus is going to be a huge reward for his lives’ work.
- Paul also mentioned this in 1 Thessalonians 2: 19
- Paul always lived with the Day of the Lord in mind.
2. Paul has to defend himself against change in plans. Vs 15 – 17
- Don’t be surprised at small issues becoming big when we are people of integrity.
- Daniel accused of praying
- Jesus accused of who he eats with or doing good on the Sabbath
- In the same way Paul is being accused of being fickle because of the problems happening in Corinth.
- Paul’s original plan was Ephesus to Corinth on his way to Macedonia and then back to Corinth on his way to Judea.
- Paul is saying he is not in control of his own future. Worldly people may say yes today and no tomorrow, but not someone who is following Jesus. We always have to respond to Christ first.
3. Promises are always sure in Christ Vs 18 – 22
- Paul argues worldly people are always giving up on their word. Vs 18
- This is important to make the distinction about Christ though who never gives up on his word. Vs 19
- There was never any wavering in Christ.
- Every one of Christ words are unchangeable
- He is God’s eternal “yes”
- the Amen the faithful and true witness Revelation 3: 14
- he is the truth John 14: 6
- If we can find a word that Jesus says, we need to be able to stand on it to completion.
- Every one of Christ words are unchangeable
- All God’s promises find their “yes” in Christ
- There are 7959 promises in the Bible
- If we claimed one a day, then they would last 22 years
- Old Testament Examples of fulfillment in Christ.
- Christ is the perfect Giant Killer
- Christ is the Gideon who slew the enemy
- God Establishes us in Christ. Vs 21
- We find our stability in Christ.
- Paul went through incredible sufferings in coming to Corinth, yet he considers himself established. We are also in the same shadow of Christ with our lives.
- four Key words about the link with other Christians. Vs 22
- Established = Not open to past accounts
- Anointed = Giving to Christians the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Seal = The seal impresses the likeness of God on everything it touches
- Earnest = promise of future blessings
Paul is talking about the promises of God in Christ and how they are sure. Now he is mentioning to them what some of those promises are for the believer in Christ. These promises are done in the Aorists tense which means a one time act in a definite time in the past which has lasting consequences in the future.
7. I am going to come to you. Vs 23, 24
- Paul is saying that he is calling Christ as his witness that he is going to come to them
- He needs them because they are fellow workers with Paul in what God is doing all over the Asia Minor area.
- Again words used here
- Lordship used which only comes through Jesus Christ
- Dominion is a manifestation of a false prophet
- We are subject to the word of God and His rule for all people
4. My next visit will not be as painful 2: 1 – 4
- Paul paid a visit to Corinth that we have no record of
- He wrote another letter to them that we have no record of (See 1 Corinthians 5: 9)
- His visit that caused them pain also was pain for him Vs 2
- In a ministers life we can’t preach judgement on others without feeling the sorrow of the event.
- We can experience the joy others have and it becomes our joy.
- Paul explains his first letter to the Corinthians.
- The rebuke he gave them was given with tears in his eyes.
- Again, we cannot minister to others with what has not first touched our own heart.
- Now he is going to start talking about the details of the first letter.