- A wise and understanding nation 4:6
- God chose to reveal himself to the nation of Israel
- You shall be my own among all the peoples for all the earth is Mine and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation Exodus 19:5,6
- The purpose was to reveal himself to the rest of the world through them
- They were entrusted with the very oracles of God Romans 3:2
- God’s revelation to the people of Israel. Romans 9: 4,5
- God chose Israel before he was even born. Romans 9:10-13
- This is talking about nations not people
- God does not predestine anyone for destruction.
- Perfect and complete revelation of God is in the person of Jesus Christ
- he died on the cross to bring all men to himself. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21
- We are called to be reconciled to God
- Paul is not addressing individual salvation, but has God kept his promises Romans9:6
- Gentiles were coming into faith so did this nullify the covenant God made with Israel?
- God chose Isaac over Ishmael and Jacob over Esau so it should not be surprising that he is working through the Gentiles now.
- To do what?
- Serve God as a kingdom Priest Isaiah 61: 6
- Light to all nation Isaiah 42:6, 49: 6
- Means whole world would be blessed in hearing about one true God Genesis 12:2,3 Psalm 67: 1,2 Isaiah 2: 2-4
- Their election as a nation was always primarily about service not individual salvation.
- To do what?
- God is not speaking about Ishmael’s and Esau’s eternal destinies here, he is speaking about the nation he chose to reveal himself through
- Potter and the clay 19- 21
- Refer to Jeremiah 18 and same illustration.
- If Israel would repent, they would be brought back in.
- It is God’s right to move through the Gentiles now instead of the Jewish people.
- Find this summary in Vs 30
- Just like Isaac and Jacob did not do anything right or wrong to receive revelation, now the Gentiles have received the same thing.
- Paul’s desire is for all Israel to be saved 10:1
- They reject Christ Vs 2 (See Luke 7:30)
- Would rather hold onto their own ways of attaining righteousness.
- They could fulfill the law by faith in Christ who empowers them to keep the law. Vs 4, 5
- They will come back into relationship with Him Romans 11: 12 – 25
- They will once again be that wise and understanding nation.
2. They have a God who is near Deuteronomy 4: 7
- If they reject God they will be scattered among the nation 4: 27
- If they seek God he will return to them 4: 29
- They will worship and love God as the most important commandment. 6: 4
- This is called the Shema which means listen
- Listen the Lord is our god the Lord is One.
- Jesus agrees that this is the most important commandment Mark 12:29,30
- If we are able to love God then we will keep his commandments 1 John 5: 3
- This is called the Shema which means listen
- These commandments will be on your heart. 6: 6
- This is the first promise of a new covenant.
- They understood it as memorizing them, but it was a promise given through Jeremiah 31:33
- This was also shown through Messiah as a letter not written in ink or on a stone tablet, but on human hearts 2 Corinthians 3:3
3. Tefillin Deuteronomy 6: 8
- Small leather straps on their arms and foreheads.
- The exterior of the box is the Hebrew letter shin which is an abbreviation for the name El Shaddai.
- Did Jesus wear these?
- he criticized the Pharisees for lengthening them Matthew 23:5
- This doesn’t mean that he did not wear them, but that he criticized people for making a show of their wearing them.
- People wore small discreet Tefillin wherever they went but only later generations made bigger ones that would only be worn during prayer.
- Mark of the beast Deuteronomy 6:8
- Revelation 13 and the powerful satanic figure who holds sway over all the people.
- Revelation 13: 7,8 Roman Caesars were the ones who made war against the saints and overcame them.
- Mark of the beast was something they would have understood.
- Name is numerical value of Caesar Nero
- Wave of persecution against Christians or followers of “Christus” a man put to death by Pilate during the reign of Tiberius (Tactius Annals)
- Angel marks the people of God Revelation 7: 1 – 8
- Nero starts war against the Christians
- People drunk with the blood of the saints Revelation 17: 6
- Nero kills Peter December of 64
- War on the saints for 42 months Revelation 13: 5 – 7
- Nero died 42 months later in June of 68
- Bind these words on our hearts